Convert From | Convert To | Pair | Rate | Description |
BRL | AFN | BRLAFN | 12.235437
| Real (moeda) to Afegane |
BRL | ALL | BRLALL | 15.853067
| Real (moeda) to Lek |
BRL | DZD | BRLDZD | 23.220585
| Real (moeda) to Dinar argelino |
BRL | AOA | BRLAOA | 158.533152
| Real (moeda) to Kwanza (moeda) |
BRL | ARS | BRLARS | 185.438059
| Real (moeda) to Peso argentino |
BRL | AMD | BRLAMD | 67.998864
| Real (moeda) to Dram arménio |
BRL | AWG | BRLAWG | 0.312375
| Real (moeda) to Florim arubano |
BRL | AZN | BRLAZN | 0.294551
| Real (moeda) to Manat azeri |
BRL | BSD | BRLBSD | 0.173677
| Real (moeda) to Dólar baamiano |
BRL | BHD | BRLBHD | 0.065412
| Real (moeda) to Dinar bareinita |
BRL | BDT | BRLBDT | 21.101826
| Real (moeda) to Taka |
BRL | BBD | BRLBBD | 0.35066
| Real (moeda) to Dólar barbadense |
BRL | BYN | BRLBYN | 0.568359
| Real (moeda) to Rublo bielorrusso |
BRL | BZD | BRLBZD | 0.348853
| Real (moeda) to Dólar de Belize |
BRL | BMD | BRLBMD | 0.173542
| Real (moeda) to Bermudian dollar |
BRL | BTN | BRLBTN | 14.859136
| Real (moeda) to Ngultrum |
BRL | BOB | BRLBOB | 1.202738
| Real (moeda) to Boliviano (moeda) |
BRL | BAM | BRLBAM | 0.313561
| Real (moeda) to Marco conversível |
BRL | BWP | BRLBWP | 2.364529
| Real (moeda) to Pula (moeda) |
BRL | BRL | BRLBRL | 1 | Real (moeda) to Real (moeda) |
BRL | BND | BRLBND | 0.232269
| Real (moeda) to Dólar de Brunei |
BRL | BGN | BRLBGN | 0.314227
| Real (moeda) to Lev búlgaro |
BRL | MMK | BRLMMK | 364.391702
| Real (moeda) to Quiate |
BRL | BIF | BRLBIF | 508.043487
| Real (moeda) to Franco do Burúndi |
BRL | KHR | BRLKHR | 694.254951
| Real (moeda) to Riel cambojano |
BRL | CAD | BRLCAD | 0.248455
| Real (moeda) to Dólar canadense |
BRL | CVE | BRLCVE | 17.744624
| Real (moeda) to Escudo cabo-verdiano |
BRL | KYD | BRLKYD | 0.142305
| Real (moeda) to Cayman Islands dollar |
BRL | XAF | BRLXAF | 105.244965
| Real (moeda) to Central African CFA franc |
BRL | XPF | BRLXPF | 19.146171
| Real (moeda) to Franco CFP |
BRL | COP | BRLCOP | 719.445111
| Real (moeda) to Peso colombiano |
BRL | KMF | BRLKMF | 78.933724
| Real (moeda) to Franco comoriano |
BRL | CDF | BRLCDF | 498.932628
| Real (moeda) to Franco congolês |
BRL | CKD | BRLCKD | 0 | Real (moeda) to Cook Islands dollar |
BRL | CRC | BRLCRC | 86.862662
| Real (moeda) to Colón costa-riquenho |
BRL | HRK | BRLHRK | 1.210451
| Real (moeda) to Kuna croata |
BRL | CUC | BRLCUC | 0.173542
| Real (moeda) to Peso convertível |
BRL | CUP | BRLCUP | 4.598856
| Real (moeda) to Peso cubano |
BRL | CZK | BRLCZK | 4.004442
| Real (moeda) to Coroa checa |
BRL | DKK | BRLDKK | 1.19837
| Real (moeda) to Coroa dinamarquesa |
BRL | DJF | BRLDJF | 30.841857
| Real (moeda) to Franco do Jibuti |
BRL | AUD | BRLAUD | 0.276102
| Real (moeda) to Dólar australiano |
BRL | DOP | BRLDOP | 10.987806
| Real (moeda) to Peso dominicano |
BRL | XCD | BRLXCD | 0.468563
| Real (moeda) to Dólar do Caribe Oriental |
BRL | EGP | BRLEGP | 8.781182
| Real (moeda) to Libra egípcia |
BRL | ERN | BRLERN | 2.603126
| Real (moeda) to Nakfa |
BRL | ETB | BRLETB | 22.421899
| Real (moeda) to Birr etíope |
BRL | EUR | BRLEUR | 0.16064
| Real (moeda) to Euro |
BRL | FKP | BRLFKP | 0.134196
| Real (moeda) to Libra das Ilhas Malvinas |
BRL | FOK | BRLFOK | 0 | Real (moeda) to Coroa feroesa |
BRL | FJD | BRLFJD | 0.398955
| Real (moeda) to Dólar de Fiji |
BRL | GMD | BRLGMD | 12.404649
| Real (moeda) to Dalasi |
BRL | GEL | BRLGEL | 0.482414
| Real (moeda) to Lari (moeda) |
BRL | GHS | BRLGHS | 2.681683
| Real (moeda) to Cedi |
BRL | GIP | BRLGIP | 0.134196
| Real (moeda) to Libra de Gibraltar |
BRL | GTQ | BRLGTQ | 1.336851
| Real (moeda) to Quetzal (moeda) |
BRL | GGP | BRLGGP | 0.134196
| Real (moeda) to Guernsey pound |
BRL | GNF | BRLGNF | 1504.966258
| Real (moeda) to Franco da Guiné |
BRL | GYD | BRLGYD | 36.267133
| Real (moeda) to Dólar da Guiana |
BRL | HTG | BRLHTG | 23.095357
| Real (moeda) to Gourde |
BRL | HNL | BRLHNL | 4.448853
| Real (moeda) to Lempira |
BRL | HKD | BRLHKD | 1.349102
| Real (moeda) to Dólar de Hong Kong |
BRL | HUF | BRLHUF | 63.740421
| Real (moeda) to Florim húngaro |
BRL | ISK | BRLISK | 23.114851
| Real (moeda) to Coroa islandesa |
BRL | INR | BRLINR | 14.923905
| Real (moeda) to Rupia indiana |
BRL | IDR | BRLIDR | 2862.951416
| Real (moeda) to Rupia indonésia |
BRL | IRR | BRLIRR | 7289.204011
| Real (moeda) to Rial iraniano |
BRL | IQD | BRLIQD | 227.392449
| Real (moeda) to Dinar iraquiano |
BRL | ILS | BRLILS | 0.638904
| Real (moeda) to Novo shekel israelense |
BRL | JMD | BRLJMD | 27.213698
| Real (moeda) to Dólar jamaicano |
BRL | JPY | BRLJPY | 26.169142
| Real (moeda) to Iene |
BRL | JEP | BRLJEP | 0.134196
| Real (moeda) to Jersey pound |
BRL | JOD | BRLJOD | 0.123038
| Real (moeda) to Dinar jordano |
BRL | KZT | BRLKZT | 87.258462
| Real (moeda) to Tenge |
BRL | KES | BRLKES | 22.490643
| Real (moeda) to Xelim queniano |
BRL | KID | BRLKID | 0 | Real (moeda) to Dólar de Kiribati |
BRL | KWD | BRLKWD | 0.053629
| Real (moeda) to Dinar kuwaitiano |
BRL | KGS | BRLKGS | 15.220741
| Real (moeda) to Som (moeda quirguiz) |
BRL | LAK | BRLLAK | 3756.723804
| Real (moeda) to Kip |
BRL | LBP | BRLLBP | 15657.046766
| Real (moeda) to Libra libanesa |
BRL | LSL | BRLLSL | 3.161275
| Real (moeda) to Loti |
BRL | LRD | BRLLRD | 34.598092
| Real (moeda) to Dólar liberiano |
BRL | LYD | BRLLYD | 0.834771
| Real (moeda) to Dinar líbio |
BRL | MOP | BRLMOP | 1.389516
| Real (moeda) to Pataca de Macau |
BRL | MKD | BRLMKD | 9.841554
| Real (moeda) to Dinar macedónio |
BRL | MGA | BRLMGA | 807.959227
| Real (moeda) to Ariary malgaxe |
BRL | MWK | BRLMWK | 300.815807
| Real (moeda) to Kwacha do Maláui |
BRL | MYR | BRLMYR | 0.767217
| Real (moeda) to Ringgit malaio |
BRL | MVR | BRLMVR | 2.682955
| Real (moeda) to Maldivian rufiyaa |
BRL | IMP | BRLIMP | 0.134196
| Real (moeda) to Manx pound |
BRL | MRU | BRLMRU | 6.926483
| Real (moeda) to Uguia |
BRL | MUR | BRLMUR | 7.844069
| Real (moeda) to Rupia mauriciana |
BRL | MXN | BRLMXN | 3.478006
| Real (moeda) to Peso mexicano |
BRL | MDL | BRLMDL | 3.116808
| Real (moeda) to Leu moldávio |
BRL | MNT | BRLMNT | 604.224454
| Real (moeda) to Mongolian tögrög |
BRL | MAD | BRLMAD | 1.671251
| Real (moeda) to Dirrã marroquino |
BRL | MZN | BRLMZN | 11.038192
| Real (moeda) to Metical |
BRL | NAD | BRLNAD | 3.161275
| Real (moeda) to Dólar da Namíbia |
BRL | NPR | BRLNPR | 23.889441
| Real (moeda) to Rupia nepalesa |
BRL | ANG | BRLANG | 0.312997
| Real (moeda) to Florim das Antilhas Neerlandesas |
BRL | TWD | BRLTWD | 5.732929
| Real (moeda) to Novo dólar taiwanês |
BRL | NZD | BRLNZD | 0.303042
| Real (moeda) to Dólar neozelandês |
BRL | NIO | BRLNIO | 6.355862
| Real (moeda) to Córdoba (moeda) |
BRL | NGN | BRLNGN | 266.524609
| Real (moeda) to Naira |
BRL | none | BRLnone | 0 | Real (moeda) to Niue dollar |
BRL | KPW | BRLKPW | 156.18751
| Real (moeda) to Won norte-coreano |
BRL | NOK | BRLNOK | 1.826178
| Real (moeda) to Coroa norueguesa |
BRL | OMR | BRLOMR | 0.066796
| Real (moeda) to Rial omanense |
BRL | PKR | BRLPKR | 48.622073
| Real (moeda) to Pakistani rupee |
BRL | PAB | BRLPAB | 0.173542
| Real (moeda) to Balboa (moeda) |
BRL | PGK | BRLPGK | 0.708749
| Real (moeda) to Kina |
BRL | PYG | BRLPYG | 1388.481787
| Real (moeda) to Guarani (moeda) |
BRL | PEN | BRLPEN | 0.630857
| Real (moeda) to Novo sol |
BRL | PHP | BRLPHP | 9.950051
| Real (moeda) to Peso filipino |
BRL | PND | BRLPND | 0 | Real (moeda) to Pitcairn Islands dollar |
BRL | PLN | BRLPLN | 0.672344
| Real (moeda) to Złoty |
BRL | GBP | BRLGBP | 0.134284
| Real (moeda) to Libra esterlina |
BRL | QAR | BRLQAR | 0.631715
| Real (moeda) to Rial catarense |
BRL | CNY | BRLCNY | 1.258786
| Real (moeda) to Renminbi |
BRL | RON | BRLRON | 0.79841
| Real (moeda) to Leu romeno |
BRL | RUB | BRLRUB | 14.664508
| Real (moeda) to Russian ruble |
BRL | RWF | BRLRWF | 244.375708
| Real (moeda) to Franco ruandês |
BRL | SHP | BRLSHP | 0.136377
| Real (moeda) to Libra de Santa Helena |
BRL | WST | BRLWST | 0.487616
| Real (moeda) to Tala (moeda) |
BRL | STN | BRLSTN | 0 | Real (moeda) to Dobra (STD) |
BRL | SAR | BRLSAR | 0.650803
| Real (moeda) to Riyal |
BRL | RSD | BRLRSD | 18.804111
| Real (moeda) to Dinar sérvio |
BRL | SCR | BRLSCR | 2.566201
| Real (moeda) to Rupia das Seicheles |
BRL | SLL | BRLSLL | 3639.084012
| Real (moeda) to Leone (moeda) |
BRL | SGD | BRLSGD | 0.231876
| Real (moeda) to Dólar de Singapura |
BRL | SBD | BRLSBD | 1.461409
| Real (moeda) to Solomon Islands dollar |
BRL | SOS | BRLSOS | 99.172913
| Real (moeda) to Xelim somaliano |
BRL | ZAR | BRLZAR | 3.167841
| Real (moeda) to Rand |
BRL | KRW | BRLKRW | 254.067154
| Real (moeda) to Won sul-coreano |
BRL | SSP | BRLSSP | 0 | Real (moeda) to Libra sul-sudanesa |
BRL | LKR | BRLLKR | 51.42284
| Real (moeda) to Rupia do Sri Lanka |
BRL | SDG | BRLSDG | 103.936339
| Real (moeda) to Sudanese pound |
BRL | SRD | BRLSRD | 6.349889
| Real (moeda) to Dólar do Suriname |
BRL | SZL | BRLSZL | 3.161275
| Real (moeda) to Lilangeni suazi |
BRL | SEK | BRLSEK | 1.752574
| Real (moeda) to Coroa sueca |
BRL | CHF | BRLCHF | 0.153197
| Real (moeda) to Franco suíço |
BRL | SYP | BRLSYP | 2256.366692
| Real (moeda) to Libra síria |
BRL | TJS | BRLTJS | 1.895741
| Real (moeda) to Tajikistani somoni |
BRL | TZS | BRLTZS | 455.263897
| Real (moeda) to Xelim tanzaniano |
BRL | THB | BRLTHB | 5.858359
| Real (moeda) to Baht |
BRL | TOP | BRLTOP | 0.417769
| Real (moeda) to Pa'anga |
BRL | TTD | BRLTTD | 1.181034
| Real (moeda) to Dólar de Trinidad e Tobago |
BRL | TND | BRLTND | 0.535291
| Real (moeda) to Dinar tunisiano |
BRL | TRY | BRLTRY | 6.586343
| Real (moeda) to Lira turca |
BRL | TMT | BRLTMT | 0.607396
| Real (moeda) to Manate do Turcomenistão |
BRL | TVD | BRLTVD | 0 | Real (moeda) to Tuvaluan dollar |
BRL | UGX | BRLUGX | 636.052496
| Real (moeda) to Xelim ugandês |
BRL | UAH | BRLUAH | 7.228955
| Real (moeda) to Grívnia |
BRL | AED | BRLAED | 0.637413
| Real (moeda) to Dirrã dos Emirados Árabes Unidos |
| Real (moeda) to Dólar dos Estados Unidos |
BRL | UYU | BRLUYU | 7.328895
| Real (moeda) to Peso uruguaio |
BRL | UZS | BRLUZS | 2243.357098
| Real (moeda) to Som (moeda usbeque) |
BRL | VUV | BRLVUV | 21.285279
| Real (moeda) to Vatu |
BRL | VEF | BRLVEF | 0 | Real (moeda) to Bolívar venezuelano |
BRL | VND | BRLVND | 4440.919586
| Real (moeda) to Dong (moeda) |
BRL | XOF | BRLXOF | 105.244965
| Real (moeda) to Franco CFA da África Ocidental |
BRL | YER | BRLYER | 42.918986
| Real (moeda) to Rial iemenita |
BRL | ZMW | BRLZMW | 5.024206
| Real (moeda) to Kwacha zambiano |
BRL | ZMK | BRLZMK | 1562.084063
| Real (moeda) to Kwacha zambiano |