HKD Conversion Rates

Convert FromConvert ToPairRateDescription
HKDAFNHKDAFN9.063982 Dólar de Hong Kong to Afegane
HKDALLHKDALL11.684778 Dólar de Hong Kong to Lek
HKDDZDHKDDZD17.118673 Dólar de Hong Kong to Dinar argelino
HKDAOAHKDAOA117.645433 Dólar de Hong Kong to Kwanza (moeda)
HKDARSHKDARS137.190834 Dólar de Hong Kong to Peso argentino
HKDAMDHKDAMD50.180682 Dólar de Hong Kong to Dram arménio
HKDAWGHKDAWG0.231882 Dólar de Hong Kong to Florim arubano
HKDAZNHKDAZN0.215853 Dólar de Hong Kong to Manat azeri
HKDBSDHKDBSD0.128332 Dólar de Hong Kong to Dólar baamiano
HKDBHDHKDBHD0.048206 Dólar de Hong Kong to Dinar bareinita
HKDBDTHKDBDT15.592319 Dólar de Hong Kong to Taka
HKDBBDHKDBBD0.259111 Dólar de Hong Kong to Dólar barbadense
HKDBYNHKDBYN0.419978 Dólar de Hong Kong to Rublo bielorrusso
HKDBZDHKDBZD0.257775 Dólar de Hong Kong to Dólar de Belize
HKDBMDHKDBMD0.128645 Dólar de Hong Kong to Bermudian dollar
HKDBTNHKDBTN11.072392 Dólar de Hong Kong to Ngultrum
HKDBOBHKDBOB0.886766 Dólar de Hong Kong to Boliviano (moeda)
HKDBAMHKDBAM0.231307 Dólar de Hong Kong to Marco conversível
HKDBWPHKDBWP1.749642 Dólar de Hong Kong to Pula (moeda)
HKDBRLHKDBRL0.737727 Dólar de Hong Kong to Real (moeda)
HKDBNDHKDBND0.171156 Dólar de Hong Kong to Dólar de Brunei
HKDBGNHKDBGN0.232546 Dólar de Hong Kong to Lev búlgaro
HKDMMKHKDMMK270.125 Dólar de Hong Kong to Quiate
HKDBIFHKDBIF380.334795 Dólar de Hong Kong to Franco do Burúndi
HKDKHRHKDKHR513.988315 Dólar de Hong Kong to Riel cambojano
HKDCADHKDCAD0.184391 Dólar de Hong Kong to Dólar canadense
HKDCVEHKDCVE13.040709 Dólar de Hong Kong to Escudo cabo-verdiano
HKDKYDHKDKYD0.106949 Dólar de Hong Kong to Cayman Islands dollar
HKDXAFHKDXAF77.578056 Dólar de Hong Kong to Central African CFA franc
HKDXPFHKDXPF14.104521 Dólar de Hong Kong to Franco CFP
HKDCOPHKDCOP535.418292 Dólar de Hong Kong to Peso colombiano
HKDKMFHKDKMF58.572179 Dólar de Hong Kong to Franco comoriano
HKDCDFHKDCDF369.854161 Dólar de Hong Kong to Franco congolês
HKDCKDHKDCKD0Dólar de Hong Kong to Cook Islands dollar
HKDCRCHKDCRC64.159839 Dólar de Hong Kong to Colón costa-riquenho
HKDHRKHKDHRK0.894906 Dólar de Hong Kong to Kuna croata
HKDCUCHKDCUC0.128645 Dólar de Hong Kong to Peso convertível
HKDCUPHKDCUP3.40909 Dólar de Hong Kong to Peso cubano
HKDCZKHKDCZK2.967259 Dólar de Hong Kong to Coroa checa
HKDDKKHKDDKK0.885723 Dólar de Hong Kong to Coroa dinamarquesa
HKDDJFHKDDJF22.852729 Dólar de Hong Kong to Franco do Jibuti
HKDAUDHKDAUD0.204594 Dólar de Hong Kong to Dólar australiano
HKDDOPHKDDOP8.084731 Dólar de Hong Kong to Peso dominicano
HKDXCDHKDXCD0.347669 Dólar de Hong Kong to Dólar do Caribe Oriental
HKDEGPHKDEGP6.492411 Dólar de Hong Kong to Libra egípcia
HKDERNHKDERN1.929674 Dólar de Hong Kong to Nakfa
HKDETBHKDETB16.9241 Dólar de Hong Kong to Birr etíope
HKDEURHKDEUR0.118728 Dólar de Hong Kong to Euro
HKDFKPHKDFKP0.099588 Dólar de Hong Kong to Libra das Ilhas Malvinas
HKDFOKHKDFOK0Dólar de Hong Kong to Coroa feroesa
HKDFJDHKDFJD0.295813 Dólar de Hong Kong to Dólar de Fiji
HKDGMDHKDGMD9.069324 Dólar de Hong Kong to Dalasi
HKDGELHKDGEL0.356987 Dólar de Hong Kong to Lari (moeda)
HKDGHSHKDGHS1.989132 Dólar de Hong Kong to Cedi
HKDGIPHKDGIP0.099588 Dólar de Hong Kong to Libra de Gibraltar
HKDGTQHKDGTQ0.98883 Dólar de Hong Kong to Quetzal (moeda)
HKDGGPHKDGGP0.099588 Dólar de Hong Kong to Guernsey pound
HKDGNFHKDGNF1109.699116 Dólar de Hong Kong to Franco da Guiné
HKDGYDHKDGYD26.92821 Dólar de Hong Kong to Dólar da Guiana
HKDHTGHKDHTG16.818748 Dólar de Hong Kong to Gourde
HKDHNLHKDHNL3.283091 Dólar de Hong Kong to Lempira
HKDHKDHKDHKD1Dólar de Hong Kong to Dólar de Hong Kong
HKDHUFHKDHUF47.254622 Dólar de Hong Kong to Florim húngaro
HKDISKHKDISK17.134796 Dólar de Hong Kong to Coroa islandesa
HKDINRHKDINR11.062755 Dólar de Hong Kong to Rupia indiana
HKDIDRHKDIDR2125.985822 Dólar de Hong Kong to Rupia indonésia
HKDIRRHKDIRR5417.559163 Dólar de Hong Kong to Rial iraniano
HKDIQDHKDIQD168.116518 Dólar de Hong Kong to Dinar iraquiano
HKDILSHKDILS0.478218 Dólar de Hong Kong to Novo shekel israelense
HKDJMDHKDJMD20.085282 Dólar de Hong Kong to Dólar jamaicano
HKDJPYHKDJPY19.255827 Dólar de Hong Kong to Iene
HKDJEPHKDJEP0.099588 Dólar de Hong Kong to Jersey pound
HKDJODHKDJOD0.091209 Dólar de Hong Kong to Dinar jordano
HKDKZTHKDKZT64.56786 Dólar de Hong Kong to Tenge
HKDKESHKDKES16.599954 Dólar de Hong Kong to Xelim queniano
HKDKIDHKDKID0Dólar de Hong Kong to Dólar de Kiribati
HKDKWDHKDKWD0.039639 Dólar de Hong Kong to Dinar kuwaitiano
HKDKGSHKDKGS11.051254 Dólar de Hong Kong to Som (moeda quirguiz)
HKDLAKHKDLAK2778.446267 Dólar de Hong Kong to Kip
HKDLBPHKDLBP11498.968809 Dólar de Hong Kong to Libra libanesa
HKDLSLHKDLSL2.334082 Dólar de Hong Kong to Loti
HKDLRDHKDLRD25.666301 Dólar de Hong Kong to Dólar liberiano
HKDLYDHKDLYD0.617472 Dólar de Hong Kong to Dinar líbio
HKDMOPHKDMOP1.027456 Dólar de Hong Kong to Pataca de Macau
HKDMKDHKDMKD7.276968 Dólar de Hong Kong to Dinar macedónio
HKDMGAHKDMGA599.968412 Dólar de Hong Kong to Ariary malgaxe
HKDMWKHKDMWK222.519331 Dólar de Hong Kong to Kwacha do Maláui
HKDMYRHKDMYR0.568993 Dólar de Hong Kong to Ringgit malaio
HKDMVRHKDMVR1.980647 Dólar de Hong Kong to Maldivian rufiyaa
HKDIMPHKDIMP0.099588 Dólar de Hong Kong to Manx pound
HKDMRUHKDMRU5.088082 Dólar de Hong Kong to Uguia
HKDMURHKDMUR5.825555 Dólar de Hong Kong to Rupia mauriciana
HKDMXNHKDMXN2.600657 Dólar de Hong Kong to Peso mexicano
HKDMDLHKDMDL2.315076 Dólar de Hong Kong to Leu moldávio
HKDMNTHKDMNT447.964754 Dólar de Hong Kong to Mongolian tögrög
HKDMADHKDMAD1.232259 Dólar de Hong Kong to Dirrã marroquino
HKDMZNHKDMZN8.220518 Dólar de Hong Kong to Metical
HKDNADHKDNAD2.334082 Dólar de Hong Kong to Dólar da Namíbia
HKDNPRHKDNPR17.715803 Dólar de Hong Kong to Rupia nepalesa
HKDANGHKDANG0.231283 Dólar de Hong Kong to Florim das Antilhas Neerlandesas
HKDTWDHKDTWD4.243969 Dólar de Hong Kong to Novo dólar taiwanês
HKDNZDHKDNZD0.223942 Dólar de Hong Kong to Dólar neozelandês
HKDNIOHKDNIO4.722401 Dólar de Hong Kong to Córdoba (moeda)
HKDNGNHKDNGN199.399585 Dólar de Hong Kong to Naira
HKDnoneHKDnone0Dólar de Hong Kong to Niue dollar
HKDKPWHKDKPW115.780421 Dólar de Hong Kong to Won norte-coreano
HKDNOKHKDNOK1.35478 Dólar de Hong Kong to Coroa norueguesa
HKDOMRHKDOMR0.049226 Dólar de Hong Kong to Rial omanense
HKDPKRHKDPKR35.958071 Dólar de Hong Kong to Pakistani rupee
HKDPABHKDPAB0.128332 Dólar de Hong Kong to Balboa (moeda)
HKDPGKHKDPGK0.528299 Dólar de Hong Kong to Kina
HKDPYGHKDPYG1026.084357 Dólar de Hong Kong to Guarani (moeda)
HKDPENHKDPEN0.465132 Dólar de Hong Kong to Novo sol
HKDPHPHKDPHP7.376563 Dólar de Hong Kong to Peso filipino
HKDPNDHKDPND0Dólar de Hong Kong to Pitcairn Islands dollar
HKDPLNHKDPLN0.498313 Dólar de Hong Kong to Złoty
HKDGBPHKDGBP0.099538 Dólar de Hong Kong to Libra esterlina
HKDQARHKDQAR0.467793 Dólar de Hong Kong to Rial catarense
HKDCNYHKDCNY0.932579 Dólar de Hong Kong to Renminbi
HKDRONHKDRON0.592445 Dólar de Hong Kong to Leu romeno
HKDRUBHKDRUB10.847689 Dólar de Hong Kong to Russian ruble
HKDRWFHKDRWF184.650243 Dólar de Hong Kong to Franco ruandês
HKDSHPHKDSHP0.101095 Dólar de Hong Kong to Libra de Santa Helena
HKDWSTHKDWST0.361465 Dólar de Hong Kong to Tala (moeda)
HKDSTNHKDSTN0Dólar de Hong Kong to Dobra (STD)
HKDSARHKDSAR0.482577 Dólar de Hong Kong to Riyal
HKDRSDHKDRSD13.862073 Dólar de Hong Kong to Dinar sérvio
HKDSCRHKDSCR1.832547 Dólar de Hong Kong to Rupia das Seicheles
HKDSLLHKDSLL2697.61963 Dólar de Hong Kong to Leone (moeda)
HKDSGDHKDSGD0.171739 Dólar de Hong Kong to Dólar de Singapura
HKDSBDHKDSBD1.083446 Dólar de Hong Kong to Solomon Islands dollar
HKDSOSHKDSOS73.337357 Dólar de Hong Kong to Xelim somaliano
HKDZARHKDZAR2.342926 Dólar de Hong Kong to Rand
HKDKRWHKDKRW188.565098 Dólar de Hong Kong to Won sul-coreano
HKDSSPHKDSSP0Dólar de Hong Kong to Libra sul-sudanesa
HKDLKRHKDLKR38.031114 Dólar de Hong Kong to Rupia do Sri Lanka
HKDSDGHKDSDG77.315623 Dólar de Hong Kong to Sudanese pound
HKDSRDHKDSRD4.675921 Dólar de Hong Kong to Dólar do Suriname
HKDSZLHKDSZL2.332107 Dólar de Hong Kong to Lilangeni suazi
HKDSEKHKDSEK1.301535 Dólar de Hong Kong to Coroa sueca
HKDCHFHKDCHF0.113597 Dólar de Hong Kong to Franco suíço
HKDSYPHKDSYP1672.622738 Dólar de Hong Kong to Libra síria
HKDTJSHKDTJS1.402008 Dólar de Hong Kong to Tajikistani somoni
HKDTZSHKDTZS340.396035 Dólar de Hong Kong to Xelim tanzaniano
HKDTHBHKDTHB4.360354 Dólar de Hong Kong to Baht
HKDTOPHKDTOP0.301299 Dólar de Hong Kong to Pa'anga
HKDTTDHKDTTD0.871982 Dólar de Hong Kong to Dólar de Trinidad e Tobago
HKDTNDHKDTND0.397992 Dólar de Hong Kong to Dinar tunisiano
HKDTRYHKDTRY4.888154 Dólar de Hong Kong to Lira turca
HKDTMTHKDTMT0.450257 Dólar de Hong Kong to Manate do Turcomenistão
HKDTVDHKDTVD0Dólar de Hong Kong to Tuvaluan dollar
HKDUGXHKDUGX470.466064 Dólar de Hong Kong to Xelim ugandês
HKDUAHHKDUAH5.329926 Dólar de Hong Kong to Grívnia
HKDAEDHKDAED0.472511 Dólar de Hong Kong to Dirrã dos Emirados Árabes Unidos
HKDUSDHKDUSD0 Dólar de Hong Kong to Dólar dos Estados Unidos
HKDUYUHKDUYU5.422541 Dólar de Hong Kong to Peso uruguaio
HKDUZSHKDUZS1660.704996 Dólar de Hong Kong to Som (moeda usbeque)
HKDVUVHKDVUV15.778572 Dólar de Hong Kong to Vatu
HKDVEFHKDVEF0Dólar de Hong Kong to Bolívar venezuelano
HKDVNDHKDVND3293.952982 Dólar de Hong Kong to Dong (moeda)
HKDXOFHKDXOF77.578056 Dólar de Hong Kong to Franco CFA da África Ocidental
HKDYERHKDYER31.656295 Dólar de Hong Kong to Rial iemenita
HKDZMWHKDZMW3.706132 Dólar de Hong Kong to Kwacha zambiano
HKDZMKHKDZMK1157.958156 Dólar de Hong Kong to Kwacha zambiano
USD - Dólar dos Estados Unidos
GBP - Libra esterlina
EUR - Euro
JPY - Iene
CHF - Franco suíço
CAD - Dólar canadense
HKD - Dólar de Hong Kong
AUD - Dólar australiano