BSD Conversion Rates

Convert FromConvert ToPairRateDescription
BSDAFNBSDAFN70.449264 Dólar baamiano to Afegane
BSDALLBSDALL91.278871 Dólar baamiano to Lek
BSDDZDBSDDZD133.699605 Dólar baamiano to Dinar argelino
BSDAOABSDAOA912.803001 Dólar baamiano to Kwanza (moeda)
BSDARSBSDARS1067.716215 Dólar baamiano to Peso argentino
BSDAMDBSDAMD391.524208 Dólar baamiano to Dram arménio
BSDAWGBSDAWG1.798595 Dólar baamiano to Florim arubano
BSDAZNBSDAZN1.695969 Dólar baamiano to Manat azeri
BSDBSDBSDBSD1Dólar baamiano to Dólar baamiano
BSDBHDBSDBHD0.37663 Dólar baamiano to Dinar bareinita
BSDBDTBSDBDT121.500201 Dólar baamiano to Taka
BSDBBDBSDBBD2.019034 Dólar baamiano to Dólar barbadense
BSDBYNBSDBYN3.272499 Dólar baamiano to Rublo bielorrusso
BSDBZDBSDBZD2.00863 Dólar baamiano to Dólar de Belize
BSDBMDBSDBMD0.99922 Dólar baamiano to Bermudian dollar
BSDBTNBSDBTN85.55601 Dólar baamiano to Ngultrum
BSDBOBBSDBOB6.925133 Dólar baamiano to Boliviano (moeda)
BSDBAMBSDBAM1.805425 Dólar baamiano to Marco conversível
BSDBWPBSDBWP13.614498 Dólar baamiano to Pula (moeda)
BSDBRLBSDBRL5.757805 Dólar baamiano to Real (moeda)
BSDBNDBSDBND1.337358 Dólar baamiano to Dólar de Brunei
BSDBGNBSDBGN1.809257 Dólar baamiano to Lev búlgaro
BSDMMKBSDMMK2098.09642 Dólar baamiano to Quiate
BSDBIFBSDBIF2925.215407 Dólar baamiano to Franco do Burúndi
BSDKHRBSDKHR3997.384737 Dólar baamiano to Riel cambojano
BSDCADBSDCAD1.430558 Dólar baamiano to Dólar canadense
BSDCVEBSDCVE102.170086 Dólar baamiano to Escudo cabo-verdiano
BSDKYDBSDKYD0.819365 Dólar baamiano to Cayman Islands dollar
BSDXAFBSDXAF605.980004 Dólar baamiano to Central African CFA franc
BSDXPFBSDXPF110.239924 Dólar baamiano to Franco CFP
BSDCOPBSDCOP4142.424766 Dólar baamiano to Peso colombiano
BSDKMFBSDKMF454.485002 Dólar baamiano to Franco comoriano
BSDCDFBSDCDF2872.75686 Dólar baamiano to Franco congolês
BSDCKDBSDCKD0Dólar baamiano to Cook Islands dollar
BSDCRCBSDCRC500.138282 Dólar baamiano to Colón costa-riquenho
BSDHRKBSDHRK6.969543 Dólar baamiano to Kuna croata
BSDCUCBSDCUC0.99922 Dólar baamiano to Peso convertível
BSDCUPBSDCUP26.47932 Dólar baamiano to Peso cubano
BSDCZKBSDCZK23.056795 Dólar baamiano to Coroa checa
BSDDKKBSDDKK6.899981 Dólar baamiano to Coroa dinamarquesa
BSDDJFBSDDJF177.581401 Dólar baamiano to Franco do Jibuti
BSDAUDBSDAUD1.589743 Dólar baamiano to Dólar australiano
BSDDOPBSDDOP63.265644 Dólar baamiano to Peso dominicano
BSDXCDBSDXCD2.697893 Dólar baamiano to Dólar do Caribe Oriental
BSDEGPBSDEGP50.560334 Dólar baamiano to Libra egípcia
BSDERNBSDERN14.988294 Dólar baamiano to Nakfa
BSDETBBSDETB129.100923 Dólar baamiano to Birr etíope
BSDEURBSDEUR0.924933 Dólar baamiano to Euro
BSDFKPBSDFKP0.772673 Dólar baamiano to Libra das Ilhas Malvinas
BSDFOKBSDFOK0Dólar baamiano to Coroa feroesa
BSDFJDBSDFJD2.297104 Dólar baamiano to Dólar de Fiji
BSDGMDBSDGMD71.423554 Dólar baamiano to Dalasi
BSDGELBSDGEL2.777646 Dólar baamiano to Lari (moeda)
BSDGHSBSDGHS15.440609 Dólar baamiano to Cedi
BSDGIPBSDGIP0.772673 Dólar baamiano to Libra de Gibraltar
BSDGTQBSDGTQ7.697328 Dólar baamiano to Quetzal (moeda)
BSDGGPBSDGGP0.772673 Dólar baamiano to Guernsey pound
BSDGNFBSDGNF8665.302477 Dólar baamiano to Franco da Guiné
BSDGYDBSDGYD208.819083 Dólar baamiano to Dólar da Guiana
BSDHTGBSDHTG132.978567 Dólar baamiano to Gourde
BSDHNLBSDHNL25.615626 Dólar baamiano to Lempira
BSDHKDBSDHKD7.767868 Dólar baamiano to Dólar de Hong Kong
BSDHUFBSDHUF367.004925 Dólar baamiano to Florim húngaro
BSDISKBSDISK133.090809 Dólar baamiano to Coroa islandesa
BSDINRBSDINR85.928937 Dólar baamiano to Rupia indiana
BSDIDRBSDIDR16484.316421 Dólar baamiano to Rupia indonésia
BSDIRRBSDIRR41969.816424 Dólar baamiano to Rial iraniano
BSDIQDBSDIQD1309.281414 Dólar baamiano to Dinar iraquiano
BSDILSBSDILS3.678682 Dólar baamiano to Novo shekel israelense
BSDJMDBSDJMD156.69117 Dólar baamiano to Dólar jamaicano
BSDJPYBSDJPY150.676823 Dólar baamiano to Iene
BSDJEPBSDJEP0.772673 Dólar baamiano to Jersey pound
BSDJODBSDJOD0.708431 Dólar baamiano to Dinar jordano
BSDKZTBSDKZT502.417222 Dólar baamiano to Tenge
BSDKESBSDKES129.496739 Dólar baamiano to Xelim queniano
BSDKIDBSDKID0Dólar baamiano to Dólar de Kiribati
BSDKWDBSDKWD0.308784 Dólar baamiano to Dinar kuwaitiano
BSDKGSBSDKGS87.638063 Dólar baamiano to Som (moeda quirguiz)
BSDLAKBSDLAK21630.48368 Dólar baamiano to Kip
BSDLBPBSDLBP90150.224571 Dólar baamiano to Libra libanesa
BSDLSLBSDLSL18.202004 Dólar baamiano to Loti
BSDLRDBSDLRD199.209074 Dólar baamiano to Dólar liberiano
BSDLYDBSDLYD4.806446 Dólar baamiano to Dinar líbio
BSDMOPBSDMOP8.000564 Dólar baamiano to Pataca de Macau
BSDMKDBSDMKD56.665752 Dólar baamiano to Dinar macedónio
BSDMGABSDMGA4652.071799 Dólar baamiano to Ariary malgaxe
BSDMWKBSDMWK1732.038803 Dólar baamiano to Kwacha do Maláui
BSDMYRBSDMYR4.417484 Dólar baamiano to Ringgit malaio
BSDMVRBSDMVR15.447932 Dólar baamiano to Maldivian rufiyaa
BSDIMPBSDIMP0.772673 Dólar baamiano to Manx pound
BSDMRUBSDMRU39.881339 Dólar baamiano to Uguia
BSDMURBSDMUR45.164618 Dólar baamiano to Rupia mauriciana
BSDMXNBSDMXN20.02568 Dólar baamiano to Peso mexicano
BSDMDLBSDMDL17.945973 Dólar baamiano to Leu moldávio
BSDMNTBSDMNT3479.006678 Dólar baamiano to Mongolian tögrög
BSDMADBSDMAD9.622736 Dólar baamiano to Dirrã marroquino
BSDMZNBSDMZN63.555757 Dólar baamiano to Metical
BSDNADBSDNAD18.202004 Dólar baamiano to Dólar da Namíbia
BSDNPRBSDNPR137.550746 Dólar baamiano to Rupia nepalesa
BSDANGBSDANG1.802177 Dólar baamiano to Florim das Antilhas Neerlandesas
BSDTWDBSDTWD33.009087 Dólar baamiano to Novo dólar taiwanês
BSDNZDBSDNZD1.744859 Dólar baamiano to Dólar neozelandês
BSDNIOBSDNIO36.595814 Dólar baamiano to Córdoba (moeda)
BSDNGNBSDNGN1534.596768 Dólar baamiano to Naira
BSDnoneBSDnone0Dólar baamiano to Niue dollar
BSDKPWBSDKPW899.29725 Dólar baamiano to Won norte-coreano
BSDNOKBSDNOK10.514778 Dólar baamiano to Coroa norueguesa
BSDOMRBSDOMR0.384599 Dólar baamiano to Rial omanense
BSDPKRBSDPKR279.956423 Dólar baamiano to Pakistani rupee
BSDPABBSDPAB0.99922 Dólar baamiano to Balboa (moeda)
BSDPGKBSDPGK4.080841 Dólar baamiano to Kina
BSDPYGBSDPYG7994.60759 Dólar baamiano to Guarani (moeda)
BSDPENBSDPEN3.63235 Dólar baamiano to Novo sol
BSDPHPBSDPHP57.290456 Dólar baamiano to Peso filipino
BSDPNDBSDPND0Dólar baamiano to Pitcairn Islands dollar
BSDPLNBSDPLN3.871227 Dólar baamiano to Złoty
BSDGBPBSDGBP0.773181 Dólar baamiano to Libra esterlina
BSDQARBSDQAR3.637293 Dólar baamiano to Rial catarense
BSDCNYBSDCNY7.247843 Dólar baamiano to Renminbi
BSDRONBSDRON4.597092 Dólar baamiano to Leu romeno
BSDRUBBSDRUB84.435379 Dólar baamiano to Russian ruble
BSDRWFBSDRWF1407.067712 Dólar baamiano to Franco ruandês
BSDSHPBSDSHP0.78523 Dólar baamiano to Libra de Santa Helena
BSDWSTBSDWST2.807596 Dólar baamiano to Tala (moeda)
BSDSTNBSDSTN0Dólar baamiano to Dobra (STD)
BSDSARBSDSAR3.747197 Dólar baamiano to Riyal
BSDRSDBSDRSD108.270409 Dólar baamiano to Dinar sérvio
BSDSCRBSDSCR14.775688 Dólar baamiano to Rupia das Seicheles
BSDSLLBSDSLL20953.136683 Dólar baamiano to Leone (moeda)
BSDSGDBSDSGD1.335099 Dólar baamiano to Dólar de Singapura
BSDSBDBSDSBD8.414509 Dólar baamiano to Solomon Islands dollar
BSDSOSBSDSOS571.018312 Dólar baamiano to Xelim somaliano
BSDZARBSDZAR18.23981 Dólar baamiano to Rand
BSDKRWBSDKRW1462.86917 Dólar baamiano to Won sul-coreano
BSDSSPBSDSSP0Dólar baamiano to Libra sul-sudanesa
BSDLKRBSDLKR296.082691 Dólar baamiano to Rupia do Sri Lanka
BSDSDGBSDSDG598.445186 Dólar baamiano to Sudanese pound
BSDSRDBSDSRD36.561426 Dólar baamiano to Dólar do Suriname
BSDSZLBSDSZL18.202004 Dólar baamiano to Lilangeni suazi
BSDSEKBSDSEK10.090979 Dólar baamiano to Coroa sueca
BSDCHFBSDCHF0.882076 Dólar baamiano to Franco suíço
BSDSYPBSDSYP12991.719769 Dólar baamiano to Libra síria
BSDTJSBSDTJS10.91531 Dólar baamiano to Tajikistani somoni
BSDTZSBSDTZS2621.320813 Dólar baamiano to Xelim tanzaniano
BSDTHBBSDTHB33.73129 Dólar baamiano to Baht
BSDTOPBSDTOP2.40543 Dólar baamiano to Pa'anga
BSDTTDBSDTTD6.800164 Dólar baamiano to Dólar de Trinidad e Tobago
BSDTNDBSDTND3.082101 Dólar baamiano to Dinar tunisiano
BSDTRYBSDTRY37.922882 Dólar baamiano to Lira turca
BSDTMTBSDTMT3.497269 Dólar baamiano to Manate do Turcomenistão
BSDTVDBSDTVD0Dólar baamiano to Tuvaluan dollar
BSDUGXBSDUGX3662.26634 Dólar baamiano to Xelim ugandês
BSDUAHBSDUAH41.622916 Dólar baamiano to Grívnia
BSDAEDBSDAED3.670102 Dólar baamiano to Dirrã dos Emirados Árabes Unidos
BSDUSDBSDUSD0 Dólar baamiano to Dólar dos Estados Unidos
BSDUYUBSDUYU42.198347 Dólar baamiano to Peso uruguaio
BSDUZSBSDUZS12916.813061 Dólar baamiano to Som (moeda usbeque)
BSDVUVBSDVUV122.556489 Dólar baamiano to Vatu
BSDVEFBSDVEF0Dólar baamiano to Bolívar venezuelano
BSDVNDBSDVND25569.94968 Dólar baamiano to Dong (moeda)
BSDXOFBSDXOF605.980004 Dólar baamiano to Franco CFA da África Ocidental
BSDYERBSDYER247.119158 Dólar baamiano to Rial iemenita
BSDZMWBSDZMW28.9284 Dólar baamiano to Kwacha zambiano
BSDZMKBSDZMK8994.175668 Dólar baamiano to Kwacha zambiano
USD - Dólar dos Estados Unidos
GBP - Libra esterlina
EUR - Euro
JPY - Iene
CHF - Franco suíço
CAD - Dólar canadense
HKD - Dólar de Hong Kong
AUD - Dólar australiano