BWP Conversion Rates

Convert FromConvert ToPairRateDescription
BWPAFNBWPAFN5.246713 Pula (moeda) to Afegane
BWPALLBWPALL6.695835 Pula (moeda) to Lek
BWPDZDBWPDZD9.814792 Pula (moeda) to Dinar argelino
BWPAOABWPAOA67.104963 Pula (moeda) to Kwanza (moeda)
BWPARSBWPARS78.561613 Pula (moeda) to Peso argentino
BWPAMDBWPAMD28.749991 Pula (moeda) to Dram arménio
BWPAWGBWPAWG0.132265 Pula (moeda) to Florim arubano
BWPAZNBWPAZN0.124846 Pula (moeda) to Manat azeri
BWPBSDBWPBSD0.073347 Pula (moeda) to Dólar baamiano
BWPBHDBWPBHD0.02766 Pula (moeda) to Dinar bareinita
BWPBDTBWPBDT8.912551 Pula (moeda) to Taka
BWPBBDBWPBBD0.148098 Pula (moeda) to Dólar barbadense
BWPBYNBWPBYN0.240039 Pula (moeda) to Rublo bielorrusso
BWPBZDBWPBZD0.147331 Pula (moeda) to Dólar de Belize
BWPBMDBWPBMD0.073379 Pula (moeda) to Bermudian dollar
BWPBTNBWPBTN6.287138 Pula (moeda) to Ngultrum
BWPBOBBWPBOB0.506809 Pula (moeda) to Boliviano (moeda)
BWPBAMBWPBAM0.132604 Pula (moeda) to Marco conversível
BWPBWPBWPBWP1Pula (moeda) to Pula (moeda)
BWPBRLBWPBRL0.418252 Pula (moeda) to Real (moeda)
BWPBNDBWPBND0.098021 Pula (moeda) to Dólar de Brunei
BWPBGNBWPBGN0.133015 Pula (moeda) to Lev búlgaro
BWPMMKBWPMMK154.058796 Pula (moeda) to Quiate
BWPBIFBWPBIF214.6332 Pula (moeda) to Franco do Burúndi
BWPKHRBWPKHR294.051016 Pula (moeda) to Riel cambojano
BWPCADBWPCAD0.104752 Pula (moeda) to Dólar canadense
BWPCVEBWPCVE7.521185 Pula (moeda) to Escudo cabo-verdiano
BWPKYDBWPKYD0.061031 Pula (moeda) to Cayman Islands dollar
BWPXAFBWPXAF44.587874 Pula (moeda) to Central African CFA franc
BWPXPFBWPXPF8.111429 Pula (moeda) to Franco CFP
BWPCOPBWPCOP301.128545 Pula (moeda) to Peso colombiano
BWPKMFBWPKMF33.440906 Pula (moeda) to Franco comoriano
BWPCDFBWPCDF210.597371 Pula (moeda) to Franco congolês
BWPCKDBWPCKD0Pula (moeda) to Cook Islands dollar
BWPCRCBWPCRC36.57197 Pula (moeda) to Colón costa-riquenho
BWPHRKBWPHRK0.512551 Pula (moeda) to Kuna croata
BWPCUCBWPCUC0.073379 Pula (moeda) to Peso convertível
BWPCUPBWPCUP1.94454 Pula (moeda) to Peso cubano
BWPCZKBWPCZK1.693687 Pula (moeda) to Coroa checa
BWPDKKBWPDKK0.507505 Pula (moeda) to Coroa dinamarquesa
BWPDJFBWPDJF13.040892 Pula (moeda) to Franco do Jibuti
BWPAUDBWPAUD0.116345 Pula (moeda) to Dólar australiano
BWPDOPBWPDOP4.641218 Pula (moeda) to Peso dominicano
BWPXCDBWPXCD0.19866 Pula (moeda) to Dólar do Caribe Oriental
BWPEGPBWPEGP3.710864 Pula (moeda) to Libra egípcia
BWPERNBWPERN1.100683 Pula (moeda) to Nakfa
BWPETBBWPETB9.480389 Pula (moeda) to Birr etíope
BWPEURBWPEUR0.068026 Pula (moeda) to Euro
BWPFKPBWPFKP0.056832 Pula (moeda) to Libra das Ilhas Malvinas
BWPFOKBWPFOK0Pula (moeda) to Coroa feroesa
BWPFJDBWPFJD0.1685 Pula (moeda) to Dólar de Fiji
BWPGMDBWPGMD5.291432 Pula (moeda) to Dalasi
BWPGELBWPGEL0.20327 Pula (moeda) to Lari (moeda)
BWPGHSBWPGHS1.137808 Pula (moeda) to Cedi
BWPGIPBWPGIP0.056832 Pula (moeda) to Libra de Gibraltar
BWPGTQBWPGTQ0.565414 Pula (moeda) to Quetzal (moeda)
BWPGGPBWPGGP0.056832 Pula (moeda) to Guernsey pound
BWPGNFBWPGNF634.949826 Pula (moeda) to Franco da Guiné
BWPGYDBWPGYD15.36307 Pula (moeda) to Dólar da Guiana
BWPHTGBWPHTG9.621555 Pula (moeda) to Gourde
BWPHNLBWPHNL1.879064 Pula (moeda) to Lempira
BWPHKDBWPHKD0.570528 Pula (moeda) to Dólar de Hong Kong
BWPHUFBWPHUF27.086998 Pula (moeda) to Florim húngaro
BWPISKBWPISK9.795556 Pula (moeda) to Coroa islandesa
BWPINRBWPINR6.281144 Pula (moeda) to Rupia indiana
BWPIDRBWPIDR1215.806562 Pula (moeda) to Rupia indonésia
BWPIRRBWPIRR3090.169871 Pula (moeda) to Rial iraniano
BWPIQDBWPIQD96.151537 Pula (moeda) to Dinar iraquiano
BWPILSBWPILS0.269117 Pula (moeda) to Novo shekel israelense
BWPJMDBWPJMD11.492778 Pula (moeda) to Dólar jamaicano
BWPJPYBWPJPY11.003345 Pula (moeda) to Iene
BWPJEPBWPJEP0.056832 Pula (moeda) to Jersey pound
BWPJODBWPJOD0.052027 Pula (moeda) to Dinar jordano
BWPKZTBWPKZT36.946103 Pula (moeda) to Tenge
BWPKESBWPKES9.496555 Pula (moeda) to Xelim queniano
BWPKIDBWPKID0Pula (moeda) to Dólar de Kiribati
BWPKWDBWPKWD0.022639 Pula (moeda) to Dinar kuwaitiano
BWPKGSBWPKGS6.43536 Pula (moeda) to Som (moeda quirguiz)
BWPLAKBWPLAK1589.594972 Pula (moeda) to Kip
BWPLBPBWPLBP6586.001286 Pula (moeda) to Libra libanesa
BWPLSLBWPLSL1.334254 Pula (moeda) to Loti
BWPLRDBWPLRD14.672402 Pula (moeda) to Dólar liberiano
BWPLYDBWPLYD0.353659 Pula (moeda) to Dinar líbio
BWPMOPBWPMOP0.587595 Pula (moeda) to Pataca de Macau
BWPMKDBWPMKD4.170581 Pula (moeda) to Dinar macedónio
BWPMGABWPMGA344.314971 Pula (moeda) to Ariary malgaxe
BWPMWKBWPMWK127.277346 Pula (moeda) to Kwacha do Maláui
BWPMYRBWPMYR0.325378 Pula (moeda) to Ringgit malaio
BWPMVRBWPMVR1.1333 Pula (moeda) to Maldivian rufiyaa
BWPIMPBWPIMP0.056832 Pula (moeda) to Manx pound
BWPMRUBWPMRU2.910947 Pula (moeda) to Uguia
BWPMURBWPMUR3.345687 Pula (moeda) to Rupia mauriciana
BWPMXNBWPMXN1.471012 Pula (moeda) to Peso mexicano
BWPMDLBWPMDL1.318874 Pula (moeda) to Leu moldávio
BWPMNTBWPMNT255.514968 Pula (moeda) to Mongolian tögrög
BWPMADBWPMAD0.703731 Pula (moeda) to Dirrã marroquino
BWPMZNBWPMZN4.688196 Pula (moeda) to Metical
BWPNADBWPNAD1.334254 Pula (moeda) to Dólar da Namíbia
BWPNPRBWPNPR10.054541 Pula (moeda) to Rupia nepalesa
BWPANGBWPANG0.132192 Pula (moeda) to Florim das Antilhas Neerlandesas
BWPTWDBWPTWD2.424442 Pula (moeda) to Novo dólar taiwanês
BWPNZDBWPNZD0.128012 Pula (moeda) to Dólar neozelandês
BWPNIOBWPNIO2.700209 Pula (moeda) to Córdoba (moeda)
BWPNGNBWPNGN111.941799 Pula (moeda) to Naira
BWPnoneBWPnone0Pula (moeda) to Niue dollar
BWPKPWBWPKPW66.036345 Pula (moeda) to Won norte-coreano
BWPNOKBWPNOK0.772126 Pula (moeda) to Coroa norueguesa
BWPOMRBWPOMR0.028244 Pula (moeda) to Rial omanense
BWPPKRBWPPKR20.565951 Pula (moeda) to Pakistani rupee
BWPPABBWPPAB0.073379 Pula (moeda) to Balboa (moeda)
BWPPGKBWPPGK0.299944 Pula (moeda) to Kina
BWPPYGBWPPYG585.023661 Pula (moeda) to Guarani (moeda)
BWPPENBWPPEN0.267313 Pula (moeda) to Novo sol
BWPPHPBWPPHP4.208392 Pula (moeda) to Peso filipino
BWPPNDBWPPND0Pula (moeda) to Pitcairn Islands dollar
BWPPLNBWPPLN0.283376 Pula (moeda) to Złoty
BWPGBPBWPGBP0.056696 Pula (moeda) to Libra esterlina
BWPQARBWPQAR0.267104 Pula (moeda) to Rial catarense
BWPCNYBWPCNY0.53254 Pula (moeda) to Renminbi
BWPRONBWPRON0.338227 Pula (moeda) to Leu romeno
BWPRUBBWPRUB6.149047 Pula (moeda) to Russian ruble
BWPRWFBWPRWF105.481249 Pula (moeda) to Franco ruandês
BWPSHPBWPSHP0.057664 Pula (moeda) to Libra de Santa Helena
BWPWSTBWPWST0.207379 Pula (moeda) to Tala (moeda)
BWPSTNBWPSTN0Pula (moeda) to Dobra (STD)
BWPSARBWPSAR0.275184 Pula (moeda) to Riyal
BWPRSDBWPRSD7.967024 Pula (moeda) to Dinar sérvio
BWPSCRBWPSCR1.053619 Pula (moeda) to Rupia das Seicheles
BWPSLLBWPSLL1538.718331 Pula (moeda) to Leone (moeda)
BWPSGDBWPSGD0.098317 Pula (moeda) to Dólar de Singapura
BWPSBDBWPSBD0.624909 Pula (moeda) to Solomon Islands dollar
BWPSOSBWPSOS41.899195 Pula (moeda) to Xelim somaliano
BWPZARBWPZAR1.341479 Pula (moeda) to Rand
BWPKRWBWPKRW107.659568 Pula (moeda) to Won sul-coreano
BWPSSPBWPSSP0Pula (moeda) to Libra sul-sudanesa
BWPLKRBWPLKR21.79102 Pula (moeda) to Rupia do Sri Lanka
BWPSDGBWPSDG44.101579 Pula (moeda) to Sudanese pound
BWPSRDBWPSRD2.693309 Pula (moeda) to Dólar do Suriname
BWPSZLBWPSZL1.334254 Pula (moeda) to Lilangeni suazi
BWPSEKBWPSEK0.736705 Pula (moeda) to Coroa sueca
BWPCHFBWPCHF0.064773 Pula (moeda) to Franco suíço
BWPSYPBWPSYP954.068494 Pula (moeda) to Libra síria
BWPTJSBWPTJS0.800375 Pula (moeda) to Tajikistani somoni
BWPTZSBWPTZS194.762901 Pula (moeda) to Xelim tanzaniano
BWPTHBBWPTHB2.493754 Pula (moeda) to Baht
BWPTOPBWPTOP0.176729 Pula (moeda) to Pa'anga
BWPTTDBWPTTD0.499292 Pula (moeda) to Dólar de Trinidad e Tobago
BWPTNDBWPTND0.227935 Pula (moeda) to Dinar tunisiano
BWPTRYBWPTRY2.787799 Pula (moeda) to Lira turca
BWPTMTBWPTMT0.256669 Pula (moeda) to Manate do Turcomenistão
BWPTVDBWPTVD0Pula (moeda) to Tuvaluan dollar
BWPUGXBWPUGX268.983076 Pula (moeda) to Xelim ugandês
BWPUAHBWPUAH3.059724 Pula (moeda) to Grívnia
BWPAEDBWPAED0.269521 Pula (moeda) to Dirrã dos Emirados Árabes Unidos
BWPUSDBWPUSD0 Pula (moeda) to Dólar dos Estados Unidos
BWPUYUBWPUYU3.100168 Pula (moeda) to Peso uruguaio
BWPUZSBWPUZS951.923623 Pula (moeda) to Som (moeda usbeque)
BWPVUVBWPVUV9.026353 Pula (moeda) to Vatu
BWPVEFBWPVEF0Pula (moeda) to Bolívar venezuelano
BWPVNDBWPVND1881.439242 Pula (moeda) to Dong (moeda)
BWPXOFBWPXOF44.587874 Pula (moeda) to Franco CFA da África Ocidental
BWPYERBWPYER18.063838 Pula (moeda) to Rial iemenita
BWPZMWBWPZMW2.116266 Pula (moeda) to Kwacha zambiano
BWPZMKBWPZMK660.497773 Pula (moeda) to Kwacha zambiano
USD - Dólar dos Estados Unidos
GBP - Libra esterlina
EUR - Euro
JPY - Iene
CHF - Franco suíço
CAD - Dólar canadense
HKD - Dólar de Hong Kong
AUD - Dólar australiano