Convert From | Convert To | Pair | Rate | Description |
IMP | AFN | IMPAFN | 93.217456
| Manx pound to Afegane |
IMP | ALL | IMPALL | 118.560444
| Manx pound to Lek |
IMP | DZD | IMPDZD | 173.266436
| Manx pound to Dinar argelino |
IMP | AOA | IMPAOA | 1184.632831
| Manx pound to Kwanza (moeda) |
IMP | ARS | IMPARS | 1386.739487
| Manx pound to Peso argentino |
IMP | AMD | IMPAMD | 507.244652
| Manx pound to Dram arménio |
IMP | AWG | IMPAWG | 2.330426
| Manx pound to Florim arubano |
IMP | AZN | IMPAZN | 2.203683
| Manx pound to Manat azeri |
IMP | BSD | IMPBSD | 1.295383
| Manx pound to Dólar baamiano |
IMP | BHD | IMPBHD | 0.488047
| Manx pound to Dinar bareinita |
IMP | BDT | IMPBDT | 157.397707
| Manx pound to Taka |
IMP | BBD | IMPBBD | 2.615613
| Manx pound to Dólar barbadense |
IMP | BYN | IMPBYN | 4.239403
| Manx pound to Rublo bielorrusso |
IMP | BZD | IMPBZD | 2.60205
| Manx pound to Dólar de Belize |
IMP | BMD | IMPBMD | 1.294681
| Manx pound to Bermudian dollar |
IMP | BTN | IMPBTN | 110.975406
| Manx pound to Ngultrum |
IMP | BOB | IMPBOB | 8.950814
| Manx pound to Boliviano (moeda) |
IMP | BAM | IMPBAM | 2.347582
| Manx pound to Marco conversível |
IMP | BWP | IMPBWP | 17.733499
| Manx pound to Pula (moeda) |
IMP | BRL | IMPBRL | 7.425009
| Manx pound to Real (moeda) |
IMP | BND | IMPBND | 1.733139
| Manx pound to Dólar de Brunei |
IMP | BGN | IMPBGN | 2.356498
| Manx pound to Lev búlgaro |
IMP | MMK | IMPMMK | 2718.406475
| Manx pound to Quiate |
IMP | BIF | IMPBIF | 3790.826149
| Manx pound to Franco do Burúndi |
IMP | KHR | IMPKHR | 5198.145218
| Manx pound to Riel cambojano |
IMP | CAD | IMPCAD | 1.850844
| Manx pound to Dólar canadense |
IMP | CVE | IMPCVE | 132.843037
| Manx pound to Escudo cabo-verdiano |
IMP | KYD | IMPKYD | 1.079576
| Manx pound to Cayman Islands dollar |
IMP | XAF | IMPXAF | 787.357032
| Manx pound to Central African CFA franc |
IMP | XPF | IMPXPF | 143.774002
| Manx pound to Franco CFP |
IMP | COP | IMPCOP | 5349.53152
| Manx pound to Peso colombiano |
IMP | KMF | IMPKMF | 591.019117
| Manx pound to Franco comoriano |
IMP | CDF | IMPCDF | 3716.38155
| Manx pound to Franco congolês |
IMP | CKD | IMPCKD | 0 | Manx pound to Cook Islands dollar |
IMP | CRC | IMPCRC | 646.137201
| Manx pound to Colón costa-riquenho |
IMP | HRK | IMPHRK | 9.080111
| Manx pound to Kuna croata |
IMP | CUC | IMPCUC | 1.294681
| Manx pound to Peso convertível |
IMP | CUP | IMPCUP | 34.309048
| Manx pound to Peso cubano |
IMP | CZK | IMPCZK | 30.01511
| Manx pound to Coroa checa |
IMP | DKK | IMPDKK | 8.991864
| Manx pound to Coroa dinamarquesa |
IMP | DJF | IMPDJF | 230.09037
| Manx pound to Franco do Jibuti |
IMP | AUD | IMPAUD | 2.059475
| Manx pound to Dólar australiano |
IMP | DOP | IMPDOP | 81.952435
| Manx pound to Peso dominicano |
IMP | XCD | IMPXCD | 3.49894
| Manx pound to Dólar do Caribe Oriental |
IMP | EGP | IMPEGP | 65.434635
| Manx pound to Libra egípcia |
IMP | ERN | IMPERN | 19.420216
| Manx pound to Nakfa |
IMP | ETB | IMPETB | 167.208453
| Manx pound to Birr etíope |
IMP | EUR | IMPEUR | 1.205309
| Manx pound to Euro |
| Manx pound to Libra das Ilhas Malvinas |
IMP | FOK | IMPFOK | 0 | Manx pound to Coroa feroesa |
IMP | FJD | IMPFJD | 2.978416
| Manx pound to Dólar de Fiji |
IMP | GMD | IMPGMD | 92.569871
| Manx pound to Dalasi |
IMP | GEL | IMPGEL | 3.599099
| Manx pound to Lari (moeda) |
IMP | GHS | IMPGHS | 20.048285
| Manx pound to Cedi |
| Manx pound to Libra de Gibraltar |
IMP | GTQ | IMPGTQ | 9.987847
| Manx pound to Quetzal (moeda) |
| Manx pound to Guernsey pound |
IMP | GNF | IMPGNF | 11205.464998
| Manx pound to Franco da Guiné |
IMP | GYD | IMPGYD | 271.022327
| Manx pound to Dólar da Guiana |
IMP | HTG | IMPHTG | 169.628948
| Manx pound to Gourde |
IMP | HNL | IMPHNL | 33.285868
| Manx pound to Lempira |
IMP | HKD | IMPHKD | 10.067246
| Manx pound to Dólar de Hong Kong |
IMP | HUF | IMPHUF | 482.767102
| Manx pound to Florim húngaro |
IMP | ISK | IMPISK | 172.477486
| Manx pound to Coroa islandesa |
IMP | INR | IMPINR | 111.466408
| Manx pound to Rupia indiana |
IMP | IDR | IMPIDR | 21538.314144
| Manx pound to Rupia indonésia |
IMP | IRR | IMPIRR | 54506.073032
| Manx pound to Rial iraniano |
IMP | IQD | IMPIQD | 1696.032191
| Manx pound to Dinar iraquiano |
IMP | ILS | IMPILS | 4.776946
| Manx pound to Novo shekel israelense |
IMP | JMD | IMPJMD | 203.333879
| Manx pound to Dólar jamaicano |
IMP | JPY | IMPJPY | 194.819075
| Manx pound to Iene |
| Manx pound to Jersey pound |
IMP | JOD | IMPJOD | 0.917908
| Manx pound to Dinar jordano |
IMP | KZT | IMPKZT | 648.219764
| Manx pound to Tenge |
IMP | KES | IMPKES | 167.664
| Manx pound to Xelim queniano |
IMP | KID | IMPKID | 0 | Manx pound to Dólar de Kiribati |
IMP | KWD | IMPKWD | 0.399228
| Manx pound to Dinar kuwaitiano |
IMP | KGS | IMPKGS | 111.933721
| Manx pound to Som (moeda quirguiz) |
IMP | LAK | IMPLAK | 28044.086558
| Manx pound to Kip |
IMP | LBP | IMPLBP | 116003.42342
| Manx pound to Libra libanesa |
IMP | LSL | IMPLSL | 23.601832
| Manx pound to Loti |
IMP | LRD | IMPLRD | 258.353286
| Manx pound to Dólar liberiano |
IMP | LYD | IMPLYD | 6.246817
| Manx pound to Dinar líbio |
IMP | MOP | IMPMOP | 10.375406
| Manx pound to Pataca de Macau |
IMP | MKD | IMPMKD | 74.141014
| Manx pound to Dinar macedónio |
IMP | MGA | IMPMGA | 6039.68681
| Manx pound to Ariary malgaxe |
IMP | MWK | IMPMWK | 2247.566657
| Manx pound to Kwacha do Maláui |
IMP | MYR | IMPMYR | 5.734792
| Manx pound to Ringgit malaio |
IMP | MVR | IMPMVR | 19.950374
| Manx pound to Maldivian rufiyaa |
IMP | IMP | IMPIMP | 1 | Manx pound to Manx pound |
IMP | MRU | IMPMRU | 51.547685
| Manx pound to Uguia |
IMP | MUR | IMPMUR | 59.270698
| Manx pound to Rupia mauriciana |
IMP | MXN | IMPMXN | 26.229657
| Manx pound to Peso mexicano |
IMP | MDL | IMPMDL | 23.395616
| Manx pound to Leu moldávio |
IMP | MNT | IMPMNT | 4509.392762
| Manx pound to Mongolian tögrög |
IMP | MAD | IMPMAD | 12.454186
| Manx pound to Dirrã marroquino |
IMP | MZN | IMPMZN | 82.743401
| Manx pound to Metical |
IMP | NAD | IMPNAD | 23.601741
| Manx pound to Dólar da Namíbia |
IMP | NPR | IMPNPR | 177.56065
| Manx pound to Rupia nepalesa |
IMP | ANG | IMPANG | 2.334618
| Manx pound to Florim das Antilhas Neerlandesas |
IMP | TWD | IMPTWD | 42.858478
| Manx pound to Novo dólar taiwanês |
IMP | NZD | IMPNZD | 2.264164
| Manx pound to Dólar neozelandês |
IMP | NIO | IMPNIO | 47.580119
| Manx pound to Córdoba (moeda) |
IMP | NGN | IMPNGN | 1987.633069
| Manx pound to Naira |
IMP | none | IMPnone | 0 | Manx pound to Niue dollar |
IMP | KPW | IMPKPW | 1165.213418
| Manx pound to Won norte-coreano |
IMP | NOK | IMPNOK | 13.693188
| Manx pound to Coroa norueguesa |
IMP | OMR | IMPOMR | 0.498411
| Manx pound to Rial omanense |
IMP | PKR | IMPPKR | 362.901802
| Manx pound to Pakistani rupee |
IMP | PAB | IMPPAB | 1.295383
| Manx pound to Balboa (moeda) |
IMP | PGK | IMPPGK | 5.221772
| Manx pound to Kina |
IMP | PYG | IMPPYG | 10367.147064
| Manx pound to Guarani (moeda) |
IMP | PEN | IMPPEN | 4.822671
| Manx pound to Novo sol |
IMP | PHP | IMPPHP | 74.741641
| Manx pound to Peso filipino |
IMP | PND | IMPPND | 0 | Manx pound to Pitcairn Islands dollar |
IMP | PLN | IMPPLN | 5.044988
| Manx pound to Złoty |
IMP | GBP | IMPGBP | 1.005404
| Manx pound to Libra esterlina |
IMP | QAR | IMPQAR | 4.71361
| Manx pound to Rial catarense |
IMP | CNY | IMPCNY | 9.396022
| Manx pound to Renminbi |
IMP | RON | IMPRON | 5.997872
| Manx pound to Leu romeno |
IMP | RUB | IMPRUB | 108.851833
| Manx pound to Russian ruble |
IMP | RWF | IMPRWF | 1832.621043
| Manx pound to Franco ruandês |
IMP | SHP | IMPSHP | 1.017416
| Manx pound to Libra de Santa Helena |
IMP | WST | IMPWST | 3.659388
| Manx pound to Tala (moeda) |
IMP | STN | IMPSTN | 0 | Manx pound to Dobra (STD) |
IMP | SAR | IMPSAR | 4.856751
| Manx pound to Riyal |
IMP | RSD | IMPRSD | 141.223588
| Manx pound to Dinar sérvio |
IMP | SCR | IMPSCR | 18.567488
| Manx pound to Rupia das Seicheles |
IMP | SLL | IMPSLL | 27148.815927
| Manx pound to Leone (moeda) |
IMP | SGD | IMPSGD | 1.736562
| Manx pound to Dólar de Singapura |
IMP | SBD | IMPSBD | 10.894609
| Manx pound to Solomon Islands dollar |
IMP | SOS | IMPSOS | 739.911241
| Manx pound to Xelim somaliano |
IMP | ZAR | IMPZAR | 23.672727
| Manx pound to Rand |
IMP | KRW | IMPKRW | 1898.883073
| Manx pound to Won sul-coreano |
IMP | SSP | IMPSSP | 0 | Manx pound to Libra sul-sudanesa |
IMP | LKR | IMPLKR | 383.849712
| Manx pound to Rupia do Sri Lanka |
IMP | SDG | IMPSDG | 777.459481
| Manx pound to Sudanese pound |
IMP | SRD | IMPSRD | 47.067483
| Manx pound to Dólar do Suriname |
IMP | SZL | IMPSZL | 23.628051
| Manx pound to Lilangeni suazi |
IMP | SEK | IMPSEK | 13.043874
| Manx pound to Coroa sueca |
IMP | CHF | IMPCHF | 1.144802
| Manx pound to Franco suíço |
IMP | SYP | IMPSYP | 16833.337842
| Manx pound to Libra síria |
IMP | TJS | IMPTJS | 14.126674
| Manx pound to Tajikistani somoni |
IMP | TZS | IMPTZS | 3424.431913
| Manx pound to Xelim tanzaniano |
IMP | THB | IMPTHB | 44.045192
| Manx pound to Baht |
IMP | TOP | IMPTOP | 3.032271
| Manx pound to Pa'anga |
IMP | TTD | IMPTTD | 8.792411
| Manx pound to Dólar de Trinidad e Tobago |
IMP | TND | IMPTND | 4.020021
| Manx pound to Dinar tunisiano |
IMP | TRY | IMPTRY | 49.232966
| Manx pound to Lira turca |
IMP | TMT | IMPTMT | 4.544331
| Manx pound to Manate do Turcomenistão |
IMP | TVD | IMPTVD | 0 | Manx pound to Tuvaluan dollar |
IMP | UGX | IMPUGX | 4748.458237
| Manx pound to Xelim ugandês |
IMP | UAH | IMPUAH | 53.837385
| Manx pound to Grívnia |
IMP | AED | IMPAED | 4.755378
| Manx pound to Dirrã dos Emirados Árabes Unidos |
| Manx pound to Dólar dos Estados Unidos |
IMP | UYU | IMPUYU | 54.578462
| Manx pound to Peso uruguaio |
IMP | UZS | IMPUZS | 16762.890555
| Manx pound to Som (moeda usbeque) |
IMP | VUV | IMPVUV | 159.334151
| Manx pound to Vatu |
IMP | VEF | IMPVEF | 0 | Manx pound to Bolívar venezuelano |
IMP | VND | IMPVND | 33104.99475
| Manx pound to Dong (moeda) |
IMP | XOF | IMPXOF | 786.531184
| Manx pound to Franco CFA da África Ocidental |
IMP | YER | IMPYER | 318.523961
| Manx pound to Rial iemenita |
IMP | ZMW | IMPZMW | 37.275531
| Manx pound to Kwacha zambiano |
IMP | ZMK | IMPZMK | 11653.680789
| Manx pound to Kwacha zambiano |