IMP Conversion Rates

Convert FromConvert ToPairRateDescription
IMPAFNIMPAFN93.217456 Manx pound to Afegane
IMPALLIMPALL118.560444 Manx pound to Lek
IMPDZDIMPDZD173.266436 Manx pound to Dinar argelino
IMPAOAIMPAOA1184.632831 Manx pound to Kwanza (moeda)
IMPARSIMPARS1386.739487 Manx pound to Peso argentino
IMPAMDIMPAMD507.244652 Manx pound to Dram arménio
IMPAWGIMPAWG2.330426 Manx pound to Florim arubano
IMPAZNIMPAZN2.203683 Manx pound to Manat azeri
IMPBSDIMPBSD1.295383 Manx pound to Dólar baamiano
IMPBHDIMPBHD0.488047 Manx pound to Dinar bareinita
IMPBDTIMPBDT157.397707 Manx pound to Taka
IMPBBDIMPBBD2.615613 Manx pound to Dólar barbadense
IMPBYNIMPBYN4.239403 Manx pound to Rublo bielorrusso
IMPBZDIMPBZD2.60205 Manx pound to Dólar de Belize
IMPBMDIMPBMD1.294681 Manx pound to Bermudian dollar
IMPBTNIMPBTN110.975406 Manx pound to Ngultrum
IMPBOBIMPBOB8.950814 Manx pound to Boliviano (moeda)
IMPBAMIMPBAM2.347582 Manx pound to Marco conversível
IMPBWPIMPBWP17.733499 Manx pound to Pula (moeda)
IMPBRLIMPBRL7.425009 Manx pound to Real (moeda)
IMPBNDIMPBND1.733139 Manx pound to Dólar de Brunei
IMPBGNIMPBGN2.356498 Manx pound to Lev búlgaro
IMPMMKIMPMMK2718.406475 Manx pound to Quiate
IMPBIFIMPBIF3790.826149 Manx pound to Franco do Burúndi
IMPKHRIMPKHR5198.145218 Manx pound to Riel cambojano
IMPCADIMPCAD1.850844 Manx pound to Dólar canadense
IMPCVEIMPCVE132.843037 Manx pound to Escudo cabo-verdiano
IMPKYDIMPKYD1.079576 Manx pound to Cayman Islands dollar
IMPXAFIMPXAF787.357032 Manx pound to Central African CFA franc
IMPXPFIMPXPF143.774002 Manx pound to Franco CFP
IMPCOPIMPCOP5349.53152 Manx pound to Peso colombiano
IMPKMFIMPKMF591.019117 Manx pound to Franco comoriano
IMPCDFIMPCDF3716.38155 Manx pound to Franco congolês
IMPCKDIMPCKD0Manx pound to Cook Islands dollar
IMPCRCIMPCRC646.137201 Manx pound to Colón costa-riquenho
IMPHRKIMPHRK9.080111 Manx pound to Kuna croata
IMPCUCIMPCUC1.294681 Manx pound to Peso convertível
IMPCUPIMPCUP34.309048 Manx pound to Peso cubano
IMPCZKIMPCZK30.01511 Manx pound to Coroa checa
IMPDKKIMPDKK8.991864 Manx pound to Coroa dinamarquesa
IMPDJFIMPDJF230.09037 Manx pound to Franco do Jibuti
IMPAUDIMPAUD2.059475 Manx pound to Dólar australiano
IMPDOPIMPDOP81.952435 Manx pound to Peso dominicano
IMPXCDIMPXCD3.49894 Manx pound to Dólar do Caribe Oriental
IMPEGPIMPEGP65.434635 Manx pound to Libra egípcia
IMPERNIMPERN19.420216 Manx pound to Nakfa
IMPETBIMPETB167.208453 Manx pound to Birr etíope
IMPEURIMPEUR1.205309 Manx pound to Euro
IMPFKPIMPFKP1 Manx pound to Libra das Ilhas Malvinas
IMPFOKIMPFOK0Manx pound to Coroa feroesa
IMPFJDIMPFJD2.978416 Manx pound to Dólar de Fiji
IMPGMDIMPGMD92.569871 Manx pound to Dalasi
IMPGELIMPGEL3.599099 Manx pound to Lari (moeda)
IMPGHSIMPGHS20.048285 Manx pound to Cedi
IMPGIPIMPGIP1 Manx pound to Libra de Gibraltar
IMPGTQIMPGTQ9.987847 Manx pound to Quetzal (moeda)
IMPGGPIMPGGP1 Manx pound to Guernsey pound
IMPGNFIMPGNF11205.464998 Manx pound to Franco da Guiné
IMPGYDIMPGYD271.022327 Manx pound to Dólar da Guiana
IMPHTGIMPHTG169.628948 Manx pound to Gourde
IMPHNLIMPHNL33.285868 Manx pound to Lempira
IMPHKDIMPHKD10.067246 Manx pound to Dólar de Hong Kong
IMPHUFIMPHUF482.767102 Manx pound to Florim húngaro
IMPISKIMPISK172.477486 Manx pound to Coroa islandesa
IMPINRIMPINR111.466408 Manx pound to Rupia indiana
IMPIDRIMPIDR21538.314144 Manx pound to Rupia indonésia
IMPIRRIMPIRR54506.073032 Manx pound to Rial iraniano
IMPIQDIMPIQD1696.032191 Manx pound to Dinar iraquiano
IMPILSIMPILS4.776946 Manx pound to Novo shekel israelense
IMPJMDIMPJMD203.333879 Manx pound to Dólar jamaicano
IMPJPYIMPJPY194.819075 Manx pound to Iene
IMPJEPIMPJEP1 Manx pound to Jersey pound
IMPJODIMPJOD0.917908 Manx pound to Dinar jordano
IMPKZTIMPKZT648.219764 Manx pound to Tenge
IMPKESIMPKES167.664 Manx pound to Xelim queniano
IMPKIDIMPKID0Manx pound to Dólar de Kiribati
IMPKWDIMPKWD0.399228 Manx pound to Dinar kuwaitiano
IMPKGSIMPKGS111.933721 Manx pound to Som (moeda quirguiz)
IMPLAKIMPLAK28044.086558 Manx pound to Kip
IMPLBPIMPLBP116003.42342 Manx pound to Libra libanesa
IMPLSLIMPLSL23.601832 Manx pound to Loti
IMPLRDIMPLRD258.353286 Manx pound to Dólar liberiano
IMPLYDIMPLYD6.246817 Manx pound to Dinar líbio
IMPMOPIMPMOP10.375406 Manx pound to Pataca de Macau
IMPMKDIMPMKD74.141014 Manx pound to Dinar macedónio
IMPMGAIMPMGA6039.68681 Manx pound to Ariary malgaxe
IMPMWKIMPMWK2247.566657 Manx pound to Kwacha do Maláui
IMPMYRIMPMYR5.734792 Manx pound to Ringgit malaio
IMPMVRIMPMVR19.950374 Manx pound to Maldivian rufiyaa
IMPIMPIMPIMP1Manx pound to Manx pound
IMPMRUIMPMRU51.547685 Manx pound to Uguia
IMPMURIMPMUR59.270698 Manx pound to Rupia mauriciana
IMPMXNIMPMXN26.229657 Manx pound to Peso mexicano
IMPMDLIMPMDL23.395616 Manx pound to Leu moldávio
IMPMNTIMPMNT4509.392762 Manx pound to Mongolian tögrög
IMPMADIMPMAD12.454186 Manx pound to Dirrã marroquino
IMPMZNIMPMZN82.743401 Manx pound to Metical
IMPNADIMPNAD23.601741 Manx pound to Dólar da Namíbia
IMPNPRIMPNPR177.56065 Manx pound to Rupia nepalesa
IMPANGIMPANG2.334618 Manx pound to Florim das Antilhas Neerlandesas
IMPTWDIMPTWD42.858478 Manx pound to Novo dólar taiwanês
IMPNZDIMPNZD2.264164 Manx pound to Dólar neozelandês
IMPNIOIMPNIO47.580119 Manx pound to Córdoba (moeda)
IMPNGNIMPNGN1987.633069 Manx pound to Naira
IMPnoneIMPnone0Manx pound to Niue dollar
IMPKPWIMPKPW1165.213418 Manx pound to Won norte-coreano
IMPNOKIMPNOK13.693188 Manx pound to Coroa norueguesa
IMPOMRIMPOMR0.498411 Manx pound to Rial omanense
IMPPKRIMPPKR362.901802 Manx pound to Pakistani rupee
IMPPABIMPPAB1.295383 Manx pound to Balboa (moeda)
IMPPGKIMPPGK5.221772 Manx pound to Kina
IMPPYGIMPPYG10367.147064 Manx pound to Guarani (moeda)
IMPPENIMPPEN4.822671 Manx pound to Novo sol
IMPPHPIMPPHP74.741641 Manx pound to Peso filipino
IMPPNDIMPPND0Manx pound to Pitcairn Islands dollar
IMPPLNIMPPLN5.044988 Manx pound to Złoty
IMPGBPIMPGBP1.005404 Manx pound to Libra esterlina
IMPQARIMPQAR4.71361 Manx pound to Rial catarense
IMPCNYIMPCNY9.396022 Manx pound to Renminbi
IMPRONIMPRON5.997872 Manx pound to Leu romeno
IMPRUBIMPRUB108.851833 Manx pound to Russian ruble
IMPRWFIMPRWF1832.621043 Manx pound to Franco ruandês
IMPSHPIMPSHP1.017416 Manx pound to Libra de Santa Helena
IMPWSTIMPWST3.659388 Manx pound to Tala (moeda)
IMPSTNIMPSTN0Manx pound to Dobra (STD)
IMPSARIMPSAR4.856751 Manx pound to Riyal
IMPRSDIMPRSD141.223588 Manx pound to Dinar sérvio
IMPSCRIMPSCR18.567488 Manx pound to Rupia das Seicheles
IMPSLLIMPSLL27148.815927 Manx pound to Leone (moeda)
IMPSGDIMPSGD1.736562 Manx pound to Dólar de Singapura
IMPSBDIMPSBD10.894609 Manx pound to Solomon Islands dollar
IMPSOSIMPSOS739.911241 Manx pound to Xelim somaliano
IMPZARIMPZAR23.672727 Manx pound to Rand
IMPKRWIMPKRW1898.883073 Manx pound to Won sul-coreano
IMPSSPIMPSSP0Manx pound to Libra sul-sudanesa
IMPLKRIMPLKR383.849712 Manx pound to Rupia do Sri Lanka
IMPSDGIMPSDG777.459481 Manx pound to Sudanese pound
IMPSRDIMPSRD47.067483 Manx pound to Dólar do Suriname
IMPSZLIMPSZL23.628051 Manx pound to Lilangeni suazi
IMPSEKIMPSEK13.043874 Manx pound to Coroa sueca
IMPCHFIMPCHF1.144802 Manx pound to Franco suíço
IMPSYPIMPSYP16833.337842 Manx pound to Libra síria
IMPTJSIMPTJS14.126674 Manx pound to Tajikistani somoni
IMPTZSIMPTZS3424.431913 Manx pound to Xelim tanzaniano
IMPTHBIMPTHB44.045192 Manx pound to Baht
IMPTOPIMPTOP3.032271 Manx pound to Pa'anga
IMPTTDIMPTTD8.792411 Manx pound to Dólar de Trinidad e Tobago
IMPTNDIMPTND4.020021 Manx pound to Dinar tunisiano
IMPTRYIMPTRY49.232966 Manx pound to Lira turca
IMPTMTIMPTMT4.544331 Manx pound to Manate do Turcomenistão
IMPTVDIMPTVD0Manx pound to Tuvaluan dollar
IMPUGXIMPUGX4748.458237 Manx pound to Xelim ugandês
IMPUAHIMPUAH53.837385 Manx pound to Grívnia
IMPAEDIMPAED4.755378 Manx pound to Dirrã dos Emirados Árabes Unidos
IMPUSDIMPUSD0 Manx pound to Dólar dos Estados Unidos
IMPUYUIMPUYU54.578462 Manx pound to Peso uruguaio
IMPUZSIMPUZS16762.890555 Manx pound to Som (moeda usbeque)
IMPVUVIMPVUV159.334151 Manx pound to Vatu
IMPVEFIMPVEF0Manx pound to Bolívar venezuelano
IMPVNDIMPVND33104.99475 Manx pound to Dong (moeda)
IMPXOFIMPXOF786.531184 Manx pound to Franco CFA da África Ocidental
IMPYERIMPYER318.523961 Manx pound to Rial iemenita
IMPZMWIMPZMW37.275531 Manx pound to Kwacha zambiano
IMPZMKIMPZMK11653.680789 Manx pound to Kwacha zambiano
USD - Dólar dos Estados Unidos
GBP - Libra esterlina
EUR - Euro
JPY - Iene
CHF - Franco suíço
CAD - Dólar canadense
HKD - Dólar de Hong Kong
AUD - Dólar australiano