Convert From | Convert To | Pair | Rate | Description |
JEP | AFN | JEPAFN | 92.320165
| Jersey pound to Afegane |
JEP | ALL | JEPALL | 117.818624
| Jersey pound to Lek |
JEP | DZD | JEPDZD | 172.699205
| Jersey pound to Dinar argelino |
JEP | AOA | JEPAOA | 1180.766089
| Jersey pound to Kwanza (moeda) |
JEP | ARS | JEPARS | 1382.355116
| Jersey pound to Peso argentino |
JEP | AMD | JEPAMD | 505.879338
| Jersey pound to Dram arménio |
JEP | AWG | JEPAWG | 2.327317
| Jersey pound to Florim arubano |
JEP | AZN | JEPAZN | 2.19676
| Jersey pound to Manat azeri |
JEP | BSD | JEPBSD | 1.290605
| Jersey pound to Dólar baamiano |
JEP | BHD | JEPBHD | 0.486693
| Jersey pound to Dinar bareinita |
JEP | BDT | JEPBDT | 156.823538
| Jersey pound to Taka |
JEP | BBD | JEPBBD | 2.605907
| Jersey pound to Dólar barbadense |
JEP | BYN | JEPBYN | 4.223677
| Jersey pound to Rublo bielorrusso |
JEP | BZD | JEPBZD | 2.592403
| Jersey pound to Dólar de Belize |
JEP | BMD | JEPBMD | 1.291161
| Jersey pound to Bermudian dollar |
JEP | BTN | JEPBTN | 110.627277
| Jersey pound to Ngultrum |
JEP | BOB | JEPBOB | 8.91772
| Jersey pound to Boliviano (moeda) |
JEP | BAM | JEPBAM | 2.333281
| Jersey pound to Marco conversível |
JEP | BWP | JEPBWP | 17.595809
| Jersey pound to Pula (moeda) |
JEP | BRL | JEPBRL | 7.359486
| Jersey pound to Real (moeda) |
JEP | BND | JEPBND | 1.724761
| Jersey pound to Dólar de Brunei |
JEP | BGN | JEPBGN | 2.340506
| Jersey pound to Lev búlgaro |
JEP | MMK | JEPMMK | 2710.789098
| Jersey pound to Quiate |
JEP | BIF | JEPBIF | 3776.644713
| Jersey pound to Franco do Burúndi |
JEP | KHR | JEPKHR | 5174.065401
| Jersey pound to Riel cambojano |
JEP | CAD | JEPCAD | 1.843196
| Jersey pound to Dólar canadense |
JEP | CVE | JEPCVE | 132.341339
| Jersey pound to Escudo cabo-verdiano |
JEP | KYD | JEPKYD | 1.073894
| Jersey pound to Cayman Islands dollar |
JEP | XAF | JEPXAF | 784.559703
| Jersey pound to Central African CFA franc |
JEP | XPF | JEPXPF | 142.727155
| Jersey pound to Franco CFP |
JEP | COP | JEPCOP | 5298.600253
| Jersey pound to Peso colombiano |
JEP | KMF | JEPKMF | 588.419777
| Jersey pound to Franco comoriano |
JEP | CDF | JEPCDF | 3705.631047
| Jersey pound to Franco congolês |
JEP | CKD | JEPCKD | 0 | Jersey pound to Cook Islands dollar |
JEP | CRC | JEPCRC | 643.513391
| Jersey pound to Colón costa-riquenho |
JEP | HRK | JEPHRK | 9.01875
| Jersey pound to Kuna croata |
JEP | CUC | JEPCUC | 1.291161
| Jersey pound to Peso convertível |
JEP | CUP | JEPCUP | 34.215756
| Jersey pound to Peso cubano |
JEP | CZK | JEPCZK | 29.801793
| Jersey pound to Coroa checa |
JEP | DKK | JEPDKK | 8.929964
| Jersey pound to Coroa dinamarquesa |
JEP | DJF | JEPDJF | 229.465041
| Jersey pound to Franco do Jibuti |
JEP | AUD | JEPAUD | 2.047187
| Jersey pound to Dólar australiano |
JEP | DOP | JEPDOP | 81.665986
| Jersey pound to Peso dominicano |
JEP | XCD | JEPXCD | 3.495581
| Jersey pound to Dólar do Caribe Oriental |
JEP | EGP | JEPEGP | 65.295659
| Jersey pound to Libra egípcia |
JEP | ERN | JEPERN | 19.367409
| Jersey pound to Nakfa |
JEP | ETB | JEPETB | 166.815108
| Jersey pound to Birr etíope |
JEP | EUR | JEPEUR | 1.196964
| Jersey pound to Euro |
| Jersey pound to Libra das Ilhas Malvinas |
JEP | FOK | JEPFOK | 0 | Jersey pound to Coroa feroesa |
JEP | FJD | JEPFJD | 2.964893
| Jersey pound to Dólar de Fiji |
JEP | GMD | JEPGMD | 93.10702
| Jersey pound to Dalasi |
JEP | GEL | JEPGEL | 3.576701
| Jersey pound to Lari (moeda) |
JEP | GHS | JEPGHS | 20.02065
| Jersey pound to Cedi |
| Jersey pound to Libra de Gibraltar |
JEP | GTQ | JEPGTQ | 9.948914
| Jersey pound to Quetzal (moeda) |
| Jersey pound to Guernsey pound |
JEP | GNF | JEPGNF | 11172.455625
| Jersey pound to Franco da Guiné |
JEP | GYD | JEPGYD | 270.325632
| Jersey pound to Dólar da Guiana |
JEP | HTG | JEPHTG | 169.299042
| Jersey pound to Gourde |
JEP | HNL | JEPHNL | 33.063652
| Jersey pound to Lempira |
JEP | HKD | JEPHKD | 10.038909
| Jersey pound to Dólar de Hong Kong |
JEP | HUF | JEPHUF | 476.617638
| Jersey pound to Florim húngaro |
JEP | ISK | JEPISK | 172.360724
| Jersey pound to Coroa islandesa |
JEP | INR | JEPINR | 110.521806
| Jersey pound to Rupia indiana |
JEP | IDR | JEPIDR | 21393.099605
| Jersey pound to Rupia indonésia |
JEP | IRR | JEPIRR | 54374.037699
| Jersey pound to Rial iraniano |
JEP | IQD | JEPIQD | 1691.864042
| Jersey pound to Dinar iraquiano |
JEP | ILS | JEPILS | 4.73533
| Jersey pound to Novo shekel israelense |
JEP | JMD | JEPJMD | 202.224714
| Jersey pound to Dólar jamaicano |
JEP | JPY | JEPJPY | 193.612754
| Jersey pound to Iene |
JEP | JEP | JEPJEP | 1 | Jersey pound to Jersey pound |
JEP | JOD | JEPJOD | 0.915456
| Jersey pound to Dinar jordano |
JEP | KZT | JEPKZT | 650.096563
| Jersey pound to Tenge |
JEP | KES | JEPKES | 167.099556
| Jersey pound to Xelim queniano |
JEP | KID | JEPKID | 0 | Jersey pound to Dólar de Kiribati |
JEP | KWD | JEPKWD | 0.39835
| Jersey pound to Dinar kuwaitiano |
JEP | KGS | JEPKGS | 113.235371
| Jersey pound to Som (moeda quirguiz) |
JEP | LAK | JEPLAK | 27970.208925
| Jersey pound to Kip |
JEP | LBP | JEPLBP | 115886.018296
| Jersey pound to Libra libanesa |
JEP | LSL | JEPLSL | 23.477281
| Jersey pound to Loti |
JEP | LRD | JEPLRD | 258.172777
| Jersey pound to Dólar liberiano |
JEP | LYD | JEPLYD | 6.222912
| Jersey pound to Dinar líbio |
JEP | MOP | JEPMOP | 10.339202
| Jersey pound to Pataca de Macau |
JEP | MKD | JEPMKD | 73.384746
| Jersey pound to Dinar macedónio |
JEP | MGA | JEPMGA | 6058.500334
| Jersey pound to Ariary malgaxe |
JEP | MWK | JEPMWK | 2239.547827
| Jersey pound to Kwacha do Maláui |
JEP | MYR | JEPMYR | 5.725293
| Jersey pound to Ringgit malaio |
JEP | MVR | JEPMVR | 19.941331
| Jersey pound to Maldivian rufiyaa |
| Jersey pound to Manx pound |
JEP | MRU | JEPMRU | 51.220462
| Jersey pound to Uguia |
JEP | MUR | JEPMUR | 58.870074
| Jersey pound to Rupia mauriciana |
JEP | MXN | JEPMXN | 25.883644
| Jersey pound to Peso mexicano |
JEP | MDL | JEPMDL | 23.206649
| Jersey pound to Leu moldávio |
JEP | MNT | JEPMNT | 4495.992485
| Jersey pound to Mongolian tögrög |
JEP | MAD | JEPMAD | 12.382712
| Jersey pound to Dirrã marroquino |
JEP | MZN | JEPMZN | 82.492592
| Jersey pound to Metical |
JEP | NAD | JEPNAD | 23.477281
| Jersey pound to Dólar da Namíbia |
JEP | NPR | JEPNPR | 176.91778
| Jersey pound to Rupia nepalesa |
JEP | ANG | JEPANG | 2.326026
| Jersey pound to Florim das Antilhas Neerlandesas |
JEP | TWD | JEPTWD | 42.660019
| Jersey pound to Novo dólar taiwanês |
JEP | NZD | JEPNZD | 2.25247
| Jersey pound to Dólar neozelandês |
JEP | NIO | JEPNIO | 47.51236
| Jersey pound to Córdoba (moeda) |
JEP | NGN | JEPNGN | 1969.706466
| Jersey pound to Naira |
JEP | none | JEPnone | 0 | Jersey pound to Niue dollar |
JEP | KPW | JEPKPW | 1161.962892
| Jersey pound to Won norte-coreano |
JEP | NOK | JEPNOK | 13.586173
| Jersey pound to Coroa norueguesa |
JEP | OMR | JEPOMR | 0.496982
| Jersey pound to Rial omanense |
JEP | PKR | JEPPKR | 361.874544
| Jersey pound to Pakistani rupee |
JEP | PAB | JEPPAB | 1.291161
| Jersey pound to Balboa (moeda) |
JEP | PGK | JEPPGK | 5.277749
| Jersey pound to Kina |
JEP | PYG | JEPPYG | 10293.964382
| Jersey pound to Guarani (moeda) |
JEP | PEN | JEPPEN | 4.703586
| Jersey pound to Novo sol |
JEP | PHP | JEPPHP | 74.050061
| Jersey pound to Peso filipino |
JEP | PND | JEPPND | 0 | Jersey pound to Pitcairn Islands dollar |
JEP | PLN | JEPPLN | 4.986222
| Jersey pound to Złoty |
JEP | GBP | JEPGBP | 0.997615
| Jersey pound to Libra esterlina |
JEP | QAR | JEPQAR | 4.699914
| Jersey pound to Rial catarense |
JEP | CNY | JEPCNY | 9.370473
| Jersey pound to Renminbi |
JEP | RON | JEPRON | 5.951371
| Jersey pound to Leu romeno |
JEP | RUB | JEPRUB | 108.197455
| Jersey pound to Russian ruble |
JEP | RWF | JEPRWF | 1856.027872
| Jersey pound to Franco ruandês |
JEP | SHP | JEPSHP | 1.01465
| Jersey pound to Libra de Santa Helena |
JEP | WST | JEPWST | 3.649001
| Jersey pound to Tala (moeda) |
JEP | STN | JEPSTN | 0 | Jersey pound to Dobra (STD) |
JEP | SAR | JEPSAR | 4.842081
| Jersey pound to Riyal |
JEP | RSD | JEPRSD | 140.186238
| Jersey pound to Dinar sérvio |
JEP | SCR | JEPSCR | 18.539282
| Jersey pound to Rupia das Seicheles |
JEP | SLL | JEPSLL | 27074.993296
| Jersey pound to Leone (moeda) |
JEP | SGD | JEPSGD | 1.729974
| Jersey pound to Dólar de Singapura |
JEP | SBD | JEPSBD | 10.995774
| Jersey pound to Solomon Islands dollar |
JEP | SOS | JEPSOS | 737.25021
| Jersey pound to Xelim somaliano |
JEP | ZAR | JEPZAR | 23.604404
| Jersey pound to Rand |
JEP | KRW | JEPKRW | 1894.357163
| Jersey pound to Won sul-coreano |
JEP | SSP | JEPSSP | 0 | Jersey pound to Libra sul-sudanesa |
JEP | LKR | JEPLKR | 383.430619
| Jersey pound to Rupia do Sri Lanka |
JEP | SDG | JEPSDG | 776.002937
| Jersey pound to Sudanese pound |
JEP | SRD | JEPSRD | 47.390948
| Jersey pound to Dólar do Suriname |
JEP | SZL | JEPSZL | 23.477281
| Jersey pound to Lilangeni suazi |
JEP | SEK | JEPSEK | 12.962923
| Jersey pound to Coroa sueca |
JEP | CHF | JEPCHF | 1.13974
| Jersey pound to Franco suíço |
JEP | SYP | JEPSYP | 16787.606636
| Jersey pound to Libra síria |
JEP | TJS | JEPTJS | 14.083245
| Jersey pound to Tajikistani somoni |
JEP | TZS | JEPTZS | 3427.010732
| Jersey pound to Xelim tanzaniano |
JEP | THB | JEPTHB | 43.879623
| Jersey pound to Baht |
JEP | TOP | JEPTOP | 3.109687
| Jersey pound to Pa'anga |
JEP | TTD | JEPTTD | 8.785444
| Jersey pound to Dólar de Trinidad e Tobago |
JEP | TND | JEPTND | 4.010708
| Jersey pound to Dinar tunisiano |
JEP | TRY | JEPTRY | 49.053573
| Jersey pound to Lira turca |
JEP | TMT | JEPTMT | 4.516304
| Jersey pound to Manate do Turcomenistão |
JEP | TVD | JEPTVD | 0 | Jersey pound to Tuvaluan dollar |
JEP | UGX | JEPUGX | 4732.974729
| Jersey pound to Xelim ugandês |
JEP | UAH | JEPUAH | 53.838312
| Jersey pound to Grívnia |
JEP | AED | JEPAED | 4.742447
| Jersey pound to Dirrã dos Emirados Árabes Unidos |
| Jersey pound to Dólar dos Estados Unidos |
JEP | UYU | JEPUYU | 54.549971
| Jersey pound to Peso uruguaio |
JEP | UZS | JEPUZS | 16749.865901
| Jersey pound to Som (moeda usbeque) |
JEP | VUV | JEPVUV | 158.825983
| Jersey pound to Vatu |
JEP | VEF | JEPVEF | 0 | Jersey pound to Bolívar venezuelano |
JEP | VND | JEPVND | 33105.444851
| Jersey pound to Dong (moeda) |
JEP | XOF | JEPXOF | 784.559703
| Jersey pound to Franco CFA da África Ocidental |
JEP | YER | JEPYER | 317.847834
| Jersey pound to Rial iemenita |
JEP | ZMW | JEPZMW | 37.237406
| Jersey pound to Kwacha zambiano |
JEP | ZMK | JEPZMK | 11621.992421
| Jersey pound to Kwacha zambiano |