Convert From | Convert To | Pair | Rate | Description |
NIO | AFN | NIOAFN | 1.993202
| Córdoba (moeda) to Afegane |
NIO | ALL | NIOALL | 2.503889
| Córdoba (moeda) to Lek |
NIO | DZD | NIODZD | 3.648824
| Córdoba (moeda) to Dinar argelino |
NIO | AOA | NIOAOA | 24.996982
| Córdoba (moeda) to Kwanza (moeda) |
NIO | ARS | NIOARS | 29.081033
| Córdoba (moeda) to Peso argentino |
NIO | AMD | NIOAMD | 10.777785
| Córdoba (moeda) to Dram arménio |
NIO | AWG | NIOAWG | 0.049216
| Córdoba (moeda) to Florim arubano |
NIO | AZN | NIOAZN | 0.046452
| Córdoba (moeda) to Manat azeri |
NIO | BSD | NIOBSD | 0.027316
| Córdoba (moeda) to Dólar baamiano |
NIO | BHD | NIOBHD | 0.010292
| Córdoba (moeda) to Dinar bareinita |
NIO | BDT | NIOBDT | 3.319106
| Córdoba (moeda) to Taka |
NIO | BBD | NIOBBD | 0.055153
| Córdoba (moeda) to Dólar barbadense |
NIO | BYN | NIOBYN | 0.089393
| Córdoba (moeda) to Rublo bielorrusso |
NIO | BZD | NIOBZD | 0.054869
| Córdoba (moeda) to Dólar de Belize |
NIO | BMD | NIOBMD | 0.027304
| Córdoba (moeda) to Bermudian dollar |
NIO | BTN | NIOBTN | 2.387033
| Córdoba (moeda) to Ngultrum |
NIO | BOB | NIOBOB | 0.189158
| Córdoba (moeda) to Boliviano (moeda) |
NIO | BAM | NIOBAM | 0.04924
| Córdoba (moeda) to Marco conversível |
NIO | BWP | NIOBWP | 0.373181
| Córdoba (moeda) to Pula (moeda) |
NIO | BRL | NIOBRL | 0.15985
| Córdoba (moeda) to Real (moeda) |
NIO | BND | NIOBND | 0.036361
| Córdoba (moeda) to Dólar de Brunei |
NIO | BGN | NIOBGN | 0.049276
| Córdoba (moeda) to Lev búlgaro |
NIO | MMK | NIOMMK | 57.335335
| Córdoba (moeda) to Quiate |
NIO | BIF | NIOBIF | 79.550791
| Córdoba (moeda) to Franco do Burúndi |
NIO | KHR | NIOKHR | 109.24128
| Córdoba (moeda) to Riel cambojano |
NIO | CAD | NIOCAD | 0.039399
| Córdoba (moeda) to Dólar canadense |
NIO | CVE | NIOCVE | 2.78913
| Córdoba (moeda) to Escudo cabo-verdiano |
NIO | KYD | NIOKYD | 0.02239
| Córdoba (moeda) to Cayman Islands dollar |
NIO | XAF | NIOXAF | 16.534029
| Córdoba (moeda) to Central African CFA franc |
NIO | XPF | NIOXPF | 3.007872
| Córdoba (moeda) to Franco CFP |
NIO | COP | NIOCOP | 114.165693
| Córdoba (moeda) to Peso colombiano |
NIO | KMF | NIOKMF | 12.400522
| Córdoba (moeda) to Franco comoriano |
NIO | CDF | NIOCDF | 78.49958
| Córdoba (moeda) to Franco congolês |
NIO | CKD | NIOCKD | 0 | Córdoba (moeda) to Cook Islands dollar |
NIO | CRC | NIOCRC | 13.767713
| Córdoba (moeda) to Colón costa-riquenho |
NIO | HRK | NIOHRK | 0.189756
| Córdoba (moeda) to Kuna croata |
NIO | CUC | NIOCUC | 0.027304
| Córdoba (moeda) to Peso convertível |
NIO | CUP | NIOCUP | 0.723561
| Córdoba (moeda) to Peso cubano |
NIO | CZK | NIOCZK | 0.630705
| Córdoba (moeda) to Coroa checa |
NIO | DKK | NIODKK | 0.187894
| Córdoba (moeda) to Coroa dinamarquesa |
NIO | DJF | NIODJF | 4.852494
| Córdoba (moeda) to Franco do Jibuti |
NIO | AUD | NIOAUD | 0.043485
| Córdoba (moeda) to Dólar australiano |
NIO | DOP | NIODOP | 1.708561
| Córdoba (moeda) to Peso dominicano |
NIO | XCD | NIOXCD | 0.073721
| Córdoba (moeda) to Dólar do Caribe Oriental |
NIO | EGP | NIOEGP | 1.381579
| Córdoba (moeda) to Libra egípcia |
NIO | ERN | NIOERN | 0.409563
| Córdoba (moeda) to Nakfa |
NIO | ETB | NIOETB | 3.527714
| Córdoba (moeda) to Birr etíope |
NIO | EUR | NIOEUR | 0.025191
| Córdoba (moeda) to Euro |
NIO | FKP | NIOFKP | 0.021141
| Córdoba (moeda) to Libra das Ilhas Malvinas |
NIO | FOK | NIOFOK | 0 | Córdoba (moeda) to Coroa feroesa |
NIO | FJD | NIOFJD | 0.062837
| Córdoba (moeda) to Dólar de Fiji |
NIO | GMD | NIOGMD | 1.952252
| Córdoba (moeda) to Dalasi |
NIO | GEL | NIOGEL | 0.075769
| Córdoba (moeda) to Lari (moeda) |
NIO | GHS | NIOGHS | 0.421922
| Córdoba (moeda) to Cedi |
NIO | GIP | NIOGIP | 0.021141
| Córdoba (moeda) to Libra de Gibraltar |
NIO | GTQ | NIOGTQ | 0.210454
| Córdoba (moeda) to Quetzal (moeda) |
NIO | GGP | NIOGGP | 0.021141
| Córdoba (moeda) to Guernsey pound |
NIO | GNF | NIOGNF | 235.837622
| Córdoba (moeda) to Franco da Guiné |
NIO | GYD | NIOGYD | 5.706129
| Córdoba (moeda) to Dólar da Guiana |
NIO | HTG | NIOHTG | 3.632305
| Córdoba (moeda) to Gourde |
NIO | HNL | NIOHNL | 0.699428
| Córdoba (moeda) to Lempira |
NIO | HKD | NIOHKD | 0.212111
| Córdoba (moeda) to Dólar de Hong Kong |
NIO | HUF | NIOHUF | 10.027314
| Córdoba (moeda) to Florim húngaro |
NIO | ISK | NIOISK | 3.706702
| Córdoba (moeda) to Coroa islandesa |
NIO | INR | NIOINR | 2.37817
| Córdoba (moeda) to Rupia indiana |
NIO | IDR | NIOIDR | 444.975682
| Córdoba (moeda) to Rupia indonésia |
NIO | IRR | NIOIRR | 1146.84755
| Córdoba (moeda) to Rial iraniano |
NIO | IQD | NIOIQD | 35.777554
| Córdoba (moeda) to Dinar iraquiano |
NIO | ILS | NIOILS | 0.099547
| Córdoba (moeda) to Novo shekel israelense |
NIO | JMD | NIOJMD | 4.288278
| Córdoba (moeda) to Dólar jamaicano |
NIO | JPY | NIOJPY | 4.015848
| Córdoba (moeda) to Iene |
NIO | JEP | NIOJEP | 0.021141
| Córdoba (moeda) to Jersey pound |
NIO | JOD | NIOJOD | 0.019359
| Córdoba (moeda) to Dinar jordano |
NIO | KZT | NIOKZT | 13.409828
| Córdoba (moeda) to Tenge |
NIO | KES | NIOKES | 3.535683
| Córdoba (moeda) to Xelim queniano |
NIO | KID | NIOKID | 0 | Córdoba (moeda) to Dólar de Kiribati |
NIO | KWD | NIOKWD | 0.008426
| Córdoba (moeda) to Dinar kuwaitiano |
NIO | KGS | NIOKGS | 2.387753
| Córdoba (moeda) to Som (moeda quirguiz) |
NIO | LAK | NIOLAK | 591.402411
| Córdoba (moeda) to Kip |
NIO | LBP | NIOLBP | 2465.571731
| Córdoba (moeda) to Libra libanesa |
NIO | LSL | NIOLSL | 0.497175
| Córdoba (moeda) to Loti |
NIO | LRD | NIOLRD | 5.430583
| Córdoba (moeda) to Dólar liberiano |
NIO | LYD | NIOLYD | 0.131776
| Córdoba (moeda) to Dinar líbio |
NIO | MOP | NIOMOP | 0.218533
| Córdoba (moeda) to Pataca de Macau |
NIO | MKD | NIOMKD | 1.544872
| Córdoba (moeda) to Dinar macedónio |
NIO | MGA | NIOMGA | 128.148056
| Córdoba (moeda) to Ariary malgaxe |
NIO | MWK | NIOMWK | 47.327537
| Córdoba (moeda) to Kwacha do Maláui |
NIO | MYR | NIOMYR | 0.120548
| Córdoba (moeda) to Ringgit malaio |
NIO | MVR | NIOMVR | 0.422123
| Córdoba (moeda) to Maldivian rufiyaa |
NIO | IMP | NIOIMP | 0.021141
| Córdoba (moeda) to Manx pound |
NIO | MRU | NIOMRU | 1.090402
| Córdoba (moeda) to Uguia |
NIO | MUR | NIOMUR | 1.231969
| Córdoba (moeda) to Rupia mauriciana |
NIO | MXN | NIOMXN | 0.555717
| Córdoba (moeda) to Peso mexicano |
NIO | MDL | NIOMDL | 0.49093
| Córdoba (moeda) to Leu moldávio |
NIO | MNT | NIOMNT | 94.779077
| Córdoba (moeda) to Mongolian tögrög |
NIO | MAD | NIOMAD | 0.265861
| Córdoba (moeda) to Dirrã marroquino |
NIO | MZN | NIOMZN | 1.736601
| Córdoba (moeda) to Metical |
NIO | NAD | NIONAD | 0.497175
| Córdoba (moeda) to Dólar da Namíbia |
NIO | NPR | NIONPR | 3.806856
| Córdoba (moeda) to Rupia nepalesa |
NIO | ANG | NIOANG | 0.049234
| Córdoba (moeda) to Florim das Antilhas Neerlandesas |
NIO | TWD | NIOTWD | 0.897576
| Córdoba (moeda) to Novo dólar taiwanês |
NIO | NZD | NIONZD | 0.047948
| Córdoba (moeda) to Dólar neozelandês |
NIO | NIO | NIONIO | 1 | Córdoba (moeda) to Córdoba (moeda) |
NIO | NGN | NIONGN | 41.29524
| Córdoba (moeda) to Naira |
NIO | none | NIOnone | 0 | Córdoba (moeda) to Niue dollar |
NIO | KPW | NIOKPW | 24.573781
| Córdoba (moeda) to Won norte-coreano |
NIO | NOK | NIONOK | 0.293932
| Córdoba (moeda) to Coroa norueguesa |
NIO | OMR | NIOOMR | 0.010509
| Córdoba (moeda) to Rial omanense |
NIO | PKR | NIOPKR | 7.641508
| Córdoba (moeda) to Pakistani rupee |
NIO | PAB | NIOPAB | 0.027304
| Córdoba (moeda) to Balboa (moeda) |
NIO | PGK | NIOPGK | 0.10961
| Córdoba (moeda) to Kina |
NIO | PYG | NIOPYG | 216.811857
| Córdoba (moeda) to Guarani (moeda) |
NIO | PEN | NIOPEN | 0.099829
| Córdoba (moeda) to Novo sol |
NIO | PHP | NIOPHP | 1.569144
| Córdoba (moeda) to Peso filipino |
NIO | PND | NIOPND | 0 | Córdoba (moeda) to Pitcairn Islands dollar |
NIO | PLN | NIOPLN | 0.105049
| Córdoba (moeda) to Złoty |
NIO | GBP | NIOGBP | 0.021208
| Córdoba (moeda) to Libra esterlina |
NIO | QAR | NIOQAR | 0.099387
| Córdoba (moeda) to Rial catarense |
NIO | CNY | NIOCNY | 0.198242
| Córdoba (moeda) to Renminbi |
NIO | RON | NIORON | 0.125318
| Córdoba (moeda) to Leu romeno |
NIO | RUB | NIORUB | 2.493939
| Córdoba (moeda) to Russian ruble |
NIO | RWF | NIORWF | 38.305146
| Córdoba (moeda) to Franco ruandês |
NIO | SHP | NIOSHP | 0.021457
| Córdoba (moeda) to Libra de Santa Helena |
NIO | WST | NIOWST | 0.076654
| Córdoba (moeda) to Tala (moeda) |
NIO | STN | NIOSTN | 0 | Córdoba (moeda) to Dobra (STD) |
NIO | SAR | NIOSAR | 0.102394
| Córdoba (moeda) to Riyal |
NIO | RSD | NIORSD | 2.951427
| Córdoba (moeda) to Dinar sérvio |
NIO | SCR | NIOSCR | 0.407678
| Córdoba (moeda) to Rupia das Seicheles |
NIO | SLL | NIOSLL | 572.555609
| Córdoba (moeda) to Leone (moeda) |
NIO | SGD | NIOSGD | 0.036344
| Córdoba (moeda) to Dólar de Singapura |
NIO | SBD | NIOSBD | 0.22964
| Córdoba (moeda) to Solomon Islands dollar |
NIO | SOS | NIOSOS | 15.603025
| Córdoba (moeda) to Xelim somaliano |
NIO | ZAR | NIOZAR | 0.500779
| Córdoba (moeda) to Rand |
NIO | KRW | NIOKRW | 39.575951
| Córdoba (moeda) to Won sul-coreano |
NIO | SSP | NIOSSP | 0 | Córdoba (moeda) to Libra sul-sudanesa |
NIO | LKR | NIOLKR | 8.061291
| Córdoba (moeda) to Rupia do Sri Lanka |
NIO | SDG | NIOSDG | 16.352827
| Córdoba (moeda) to Sudanese pound |
NIO | SRD | NIOSRD | 0.969299
| Córdoba (moeda) to Dólar do Suriname |
NIO | SZL | NIOSZL | 0.497175
| Córdoba (moeda) to Lilangeni suazi |
NIO | SEK | NIOSEK | 0.276389
| Córdoba (moeda) to Coroa sueca |
NIO | CHF | NIOCHF | 0.024029
| Córdoba (moeda) to Franco suíço |
NIO | SYP | NIOSYP | 355.006866
| Córdoba (moeda) to Libra síria |
NIO | TJS | NIOTJS | 0.297747
| Córdoba (moeda) to Tajikistani somoni |
NIO | TZS | NIOTZS | 71.085622
| Córdoba (moeda) to Xelim tanzaniano |
NIO | THB | NIOTHB | 0.917589
| Córdoba (moeda) to Baht |
NIO | TOP | NIOTOP | 0.065181
| Córdoba (moeda) to Pa'anga |
NIO | TTD | NIOTTD | 0.185516
| Córdoba (moeda) to Dólar de Trinidad e Tobago |
NIO | TND | NIOTND | 0.08422
| Córdoba (moeda) to Dinar tunisiano |
NIO | TRY | NIOTRY | 0.998716
| Córdoba (moeda) to Lira turca |
NIO | TMT | NIOTMT | 0.095572
| Córdoba (moeda) to Manate do Turcomenistão |
NIO | TVD | NIOTVD | 0 | Córdoba (moeda) to Tuvaluan dollar |
NIO | UGX | NIOUGX | 100.206324
| Córdoba (moeda) to Xelim ugandês |
NIO | UAH | NIOUAH | 1.130036
| Córdoba (moeda) to Grívnia |
NIO | AED | NIOAED | 0.10028
| Córdoba (moeda) to Dirrã dos Emirados Árabes Unidos |
| Córdoba (moeda) to Dólar dos Estados Unidos |
NIO | UYU | NIOUYU | 1.158688
| Córdoba (moeda) to Peso uruguaio |
NIO | UZS | NIOUZS | 352.742867
| Córdoba (moeda) to Som (moeda usbeque) |
NIO | VUV | NIOVUV | 3.344942
| Córdoba (moeda) to Vatu |
NIO | VEF | NIOVEF | 0 | Córdoba (moeda) to Bolívar venezuelano |
NIO | VND | NIOVND | 695.845168
| Córdoba (moeda) to Dong (moeda) |
NIO | XOF | NIOXOF | 16.534029
| Córdoba (moeda) to Franco CFA da África Ocidental |
NIO | YER | NIOYER | 6.773592
| Córdoba (moeda) to Rial iemenita |
NIO | ZMW | NIOZMW | 0.776797
| Córdoba (moeda) to Kwacha zambiano |
NIO | ZMK | NIOZMK | 245.770617
| Córdoba (moeda) to Kwacha zambiano |