SDG Conversion Rates

Convert FromConvert ToPairRateDescription
SDGAFNSDGAFN0.122867 Sudanese pound to Afegane
SDGALLSDGALL0.16198 Sudanese pound to Lek
SDGDZDSDGDZD0.229684 Sudanese pound to Dinar argelino
SDGAOASDGAOA1.428327 Sudanese pound to Kwanza (moeda)
SDGARSSDGARS1.484823 Sudanese pound to Peso argentino
SDGAMDSDGAMD0.669972 Sudanese pound to Dram arménio
SDGAWGSDGAWG0.003072 Sudanese pound to Florim arubano
SDGAZNSDGAZN0.002908 Sudanese pound to Manat azeri
SDGBSDSDGBSD0.001707 Sudanese pound to Dólar baamiano
SDGBHDSDGBHD0.000643 Sudanese pound to Dinar bareinita
SDGBDTSDGBDT0.187296 Sudanese pound to Taka
SDGBBDSDGBBD0.003446 Sudanese pound to Dólar barbadense
SDGBYNSDGBYN0.005585 Sudanese pound to Rublo bielorrusso
SDGBZDSDGBZD0.00344 Sudanese pound to Dólar de Belize
SDGBMDSDGBMD0.001706 Sudanese pound to Bermudian dollar
SDGBTNSDGBTN0.142448 Sudanese pound to Ngultrum
SDGBOBSDGBOB0.011818 Sudanese pound to Boliviano (moeda)
SDGBAMSDGBAM0.003135 Sudanese pound to Marco conversível
SDGBWPSDGBWP0.023703 Sudanese pound to Pula (moeda)
SDGBRLSDGBRL0.00888 Sudanese pound to Real (moeda)
SDGBNDSDGBND0.002325 Sudanese pound to Dólar de Brunei
SDGBGNSDGBGN0.003133 Sudanese pound to Lev búlgaro
SDGMMKSDGMMK3.583866 Sudanese pound to Quiate
SDGBIFSDGBIF4.895902 Sudanese pound to Franco do Burúndi
SDGKHRSDGKHR6.93515 Sudanese pound to Riel cambojano
SDGCADSDGCAD0.002355 Sudanese pound to Dólar canadense
SDGCVESDGCVE0.177261 Sudanese pound to Escudo cabo-verdiano
SDGKYDSDGKYD0.001422 Sudanese pound to Cayman Islands dollar
SDGXAFSDGXAF1.051406 Sudanese pound to Central African CFA franc
SDGXPFSDGXPF0.191895 Sudanese pound to Franco CFP
SDGCOPSDGCOP6.670423 Sudanese pound to Peso colombiano
SDGKMFSDGKMF0.789377 Sudanese pound to Franco comoriano
SDGCDFSDGCDF4.786687 Sudanese pound to Franco congolês
SDGCKDSDGCKD0Sudanese pound to Cook Islands dollar
SDGCRCSDGCRC0.857061 Sudanese pound to Colón costa-riquenho
SDGHRKSDGHRK0.012082 Sudanese pound to Kuna croata
SDGCUCSDGCUC0.001706 Sudanese pound to Peso convertível
SDGCUPSDGCUP0.045222 Sudanese pound to Peso cubano
SDGCZKSDGCZK0.040443 Sudanese pound to Coroa checa
SDGDKKSDGDKK0.011948 Sudanese pound to Coroa dinamarquesa
SDGDJFSDGDJF0.303277 Sudanese pound to Franco do Jibuti
SDGAUDSDGAUD0.00266 Sudanese pound to Dólar australiano
SDGDOPSDGDOP0.101323 Sudanese pound to Peso dominicano
SDGXCDSDGXCD0.004612 Sudanese pound to Dólar do Caribe Oriental
SDGEGPSDGEGP0.082368 Sudanese pound to Libra egípcia
SDGERNSDGERN0.025597 Sudanese pound to Nakfa
SDGETBSDGETB0.097475 Sudanese pound to Birr etíope
SDGEURSDGEUR0.0016 Sudanese pound to Euro
SDGFKPSDGFKP0.00137 Sudanese pound to Libra das Ilhas Malvinas
SDGFOKSDGFOK0Sudanese pound to Coroa feroesa
SDGFJDSDGFJD0.003886 Sudanese pound to Dólar de Fiji
SDGGMDSDGGMD0.115877 Sudanese pound to Dalasi
SDGGELSDGGEL0.004548 Sudanese pound to Lari (moeda)
SDGGHSSDGGHS0.022953 Sudanese pound to Cedi
SDGGIPSDGGIP0.00137 Sudanese pound to Libra de Gibraltar
SDGGTQSDGGTQ0.013273 Sudanese pound to Quetzal (moeda)
SDGGGPSDGGGP0.00137 Sudanese pound to Guernsey pound
SDGGNFSDGGNF14.67576 Sudanese pound to Franco da Guiné
SDGGYDSDGGYD0.357053 Sudanese pound to Dólar da Guiana
SDGHTGSDGHTG0.226388 Sudanese pound to Gourde
SDGHNLSDGHNL0.042236 Sudanese pound to Lempira
SDGHKDSDGHKD0.013364 Sudanese pound to Dólar de Hong Kong
SDGHUFSDGHUF0.63128 Sudanese pound to Florim húngaro
SDGISKSDGISK0.241041 Sudanese pound to Coroa islandesa
SDGINRSDGINR0.14227 Sudanese pound to Rupia indiana
SDGIDRSDGIDR27.676179 Sudanese pound to Rupia indonésia
SDGIRRSDGIRR71.778975 Sudanese pound to Rial iraniano
SDGIQDSDGIQD2.235494 Sudanese pound to Dinar iraquiano
SDGILSSDGILS0.006418 Sudanese pound to Novo shekel israelense
SDGJMDSDGJMD0.265978 Sudanese pound to Dólar jamaicano
SDGJPYSDGJPY0.263865 Sudanese pound to Iene
SDGJEPSDGJEP0.00137 Sudanese pound to Jersey pound
SDGJODSDGJOD0.001209 Sudanese pound to Dinar jordano
SDGKZTSDGKZT0.761486 Sudanese pound to Tenge
SDGKESSDGKES0.227822 Sudanese pound to Xelim queniano
SDGKIDSDGKID0Sudanese pound to Dólar de Kiribati
SDGKWDSDGKWD0.000526 Sudanese pound to Dinar kuwaitiano
SDGKGSSDGKGS0.151905 Sudanese pound to Som (moeda quirguiz)
SDGLAKSDGLAK36.387352 Sudanese pound to Kip
SDGLBPSDGLBP152.841301 Sudanese pound to Libra libanesa
SDGLSLSDGLSL0.03268 Sudanese pound to Loti
SDGLRDSDGLRD0.329699 Sudanese pound to Dólar liberiano
SDGLYDSDGLYD0.008294 Sudanese pound to Dinar líbio
SDGMOPSDGMOP0.013769 Sudanese pound to Pataca de Macau
SDGMKDSDGMKD0.098657 Sudanese pound to Dinar macedónio
SDGMGASDGMGA7.517061 Sudanese pound to Ariary malgaxe
SDGMWKSDGMWK2.969282 Sudanese pound to Kwacha do Maláui
SDGMYRSDGMYR0.008164 Sudanese pound to Ringgit malaio
SDGMVRSDGMVR0.026366 Sudanese pound to Maldivian rufiyaa
SDGIMPSDGIMP0.00137 Sudanese pound to Manx pound
SDGMRUSDGMRU0.067754 Sudanese pound to Uguia
SDGMURSDGMUR0.079403 Sudanese pound to Rupia mauriciana
SDGMXNSDGMXN0.029182 Sudanese pound to Peso mexicano
SDGMDLSDGMDL0.030565 Sudanese pound to Leu moldávio
SDGMNTSDGMNT5.887369 Sudanese pound to Mongolian tögrög
SDGMADSDGMAD0.017319 Sudanese pound to Dirrã marroquino
SDGMZNSDGMZN0.108368 Sudanese pound to Metical
SDGNADSDGNAD0.03268 Sudanese pound to Dólar da Namíbia
SDGNPRSDGNPR0.227938 Sudanese pound to Rupia nepalesa
SDGANGSDGANG0.003076 Sudanese pound to Florim das Antilhas Neerlandesas
SDGTWDSDGTWD0.055522 Sudanese pound to Novo dólar taiwanês
SDGNZDSDGNZD0.002898 Sudanese pound to Dólar neozelandês
SDGNIOSDGNIO0.063072 Sudanese pound to Córdoba (moeda)
SDGNGNSDGNGN1.964163 Sudanese pound to Naira
SDGnoneSDGnone0Sudanese pound to Niue dollar
SDGKPWSDGKPW1.535836 Sudanese pound to Won norte-coreano
SDGNOKSDGNOK0.018802 Sudanese pound to Coroa norueguesa
SDGOMRSDGOMR0.000657 Sudanese pound to Rial omanense
SDGPKRSDGPKR0.475512 Sudanese pound to Pakistani rupee
SDGPABSDGPAB0.001707 Sudanese pound to Balboa (moeda)
SDGPGKSDGPGK0.006485 Sudanese pound to Kina
SDGPYGSDGPYG12.625719 Sudanese pound to Guarani (moeda)
SDGPENSDGPEN0.006383 Sudanese pound to Novo sol
SDGPHPSDGPHP0.098247 Sudanese pound to Peso filipino
SDGPNDSDGPND0Sudanese pound to Pitcairn Islands dollar
SDGPLNSDGPLN0.006902 Sudanese pound to Złoty
SDGGBPSDGGBP0.00138 Sudanese pound to Libra esterlina
SDGQARSDGQAR0.006212 Sudanese pound to Rial catarense
SDGCNYSDGCNY0.012355 Sudanese pound to Renminbi
SDGRONSDGRON0.007968 Sudanese pound to Leu romeno
SDGRUBSDGRUB0.160245 Sudanese pound to Russian ruble
SDGRWFSDGRWF2.214163 Sudanese pound to Franco ruandês
SDGSHPSDGSHP0.002156 Sudanese pound to Libra de Santa Helena
SDGWSTSDGWST0.004784 Sudanese pound to Tala (moeda)
SDGSTNSDGSTN0Sudanese pound to Dobra (STD)
SDGSARSDGSAR0.006402 Sudanese pound to Riyal
SDGRSDSDGRSD0.187383 Sudanese pound to Dinar sérvio
SDGSCRSDGSCR0.02325 Sudanese pound to Rupia das Seicheles
SDGSLLSDGSLL35.784115 Sudanese pound to Leone (moeda)
SDGSGDSDGSGD0.002323 Sudanese pound to Dólar de Singapura
SDGSBDSDGSBD0.014403 Sudanese pound to Solomon Islands dollar
SDGSOSSDGSOS0.975262 Sudanese pound to Xelim somaliano
SDGZARSDGZAR0.032926 Sudanese pound to Rand
SDGKRWSDGKRW2.345553 Sudanese pound to Won sul-coreano
SDGSSPSDGSSP0Sudanese pound to Libra sul-sudanesa
SDGLKRSDGLKR0.515436 Sudanese pound to Rupia do Sri Lanka
SDGSDGSDGSDG1Sudanese pound to Sudanese pound
SDGSRDSDGSRD0.05892 Sudanese pound to Dólar do Suriname
SDGSZLSDGSZL0.032612 Sudanese pound to Lilangeni suazi
SDGSEKSDGSEK0.018624 Sudanese pound to Coroa sueca
SDGCHFSDGCHF0.001554 Sudanese pound to Franco suíço
SDGSYPSDGSYP4.287592 Sudanese pound to Libra síria
SDGTJSSDGTJS0.018645 Sudanese pound to Tajikistani somoni
SDGTZSSDGTZS4.422359 Sudanese pound to Xelim tanzaniano
SDGTHBSDGTHB0.062816 Sudanese pound to Baht
SDGTOPSDGTOP0.004081 Sudanese pound to Pa'anga
SDGTTDSDGTTD0.011589 Sudanese pound to Dólar de Trinidad e Tobago
SDGTNDSDGTND0.005377 Sudanese pound to Dinar tunisiano
SDGTRYSDGTRY0.055436 Sudanese pound to Lira turca
SDGTMTSDGTMT0.00599 Sudanese pound to Manate do Turcomenistão
SDGTVDSDGTVD0Sudanese pound to Tuvaluan dollar
SDGUGXSDGUGX6.502859 Sudanese pound to Xelim ugandês
SDGUAHSDGUAH0.067948 Sudanese pound to Grívnia
SDGAEDSDGAED0.006267 Sudanese pound to Dirrã dos Emirados Árabes Unidos
SDGUSDSDGUSD0 Sudanese pound to Dólar dos Estados Unidos
SDGUYUSDGUYU0.065525 Sudanese pound to Peso uruguaio
SDGUZSSDGUZS21.680875 Sudanese pound to Som (moeda usbeque)
SDGVUVSDGVUV0.202597 Sudanese pound to Vatu
SDGVEFSDGVEF6181.826687 Sudanese pound to Bolívar venezuelano
SDGVNDSDGVND43.421477 Sudanese pound to Dong (moeda)
SDGXOFSDGXOF1.050347 Sudanese pound to Franco CFA da África Ocidental
SDGYERSDGYER0.427219 Sudanese pound to Rial iemenita
SDGZMWSDGZMW0.043817 Sudanese pound to Kwacha zambiano
SDGZMKSDGZMK15.360407 Sudanese pound to Kwacha zambiano
USD - Dólar dos Estados Unidos
GBP - Libra esterlina
EUR - Euro
JPY - Iene
CHF - Franco suíço
CAD - Dólar canadense
HKD - Dólar de Hong Kong
AUD - Dólar australiano