ZAR Conversion Rates

Convert FromConvert ToPairRateDescription
ZARAFNZARAFN3.961966 Rand to Afegane
ZARALLZARALL5.141304 Rand to Lek
ZARDZDZARDZD7.317074 Rand to Dinar argelino
ZARAOAZARAOA49.229067 Rand to Kwanza (moeda)
ZARARSZARARS56.448525 Rand to Peso argentino
ZARAMDZARAMD21.518292 Rand to Dram arménio
ZARAWGZARAWG0.097163 Rand to Florim arubano
ZARAZNZARAZN0.091911 Rand to Manat azeri
ZARBSDZARBSD0.054008 Rand to Dólar baamiano
ZARBHDZARBHD0.020344 Rand to Dinar bareinita
ZARBDTZARBDT6.582324 Rand to Taka
ZARBBDZARBBD0.109047 Rand to Dólar barbadense
ZARBYNZARBYN0.176747 Rand to Rublo bielorrusso
ZARBZDZARBZD0.108485 Rand to Dólar de Belize
ZARBMDZARBMD0.053979 Rand to Bermudian dollar
ZARBTNZARBTN4.671892 Rand to Ngultrum
ZARBOBZARBOB0.374536 Rand to Boliviano (moeda)
ZARBAMZARBAM0.102293 Rand to Marco conversível
ZARBWPZARBWP0.754825 Rand to Pula (moeda)
ZARBRLZARBRL0.325565 Rand to Real (moeda)
ZARBNDZARBND0.073683 Rand to Dólar de Brunei
ZARBGNZARBGN0.101305 Rand to Lev búlgaro
ZARMMKZARMMK175.322472 Rand to Quiate
ZARBIFZARBIF159.809288 Rand to Franco do Burúndi
ZARKHRZARKHR217.943153 Rand to Riel cambojano
ZARCADZARCAD0.077206 Rand to Dólar canadense
ZARCVEZARCVE5.767183 Rand to Escudo cabo-verdiano
ZARKYDZARKYD0.045006 Rand to Cayman Islands dollar
ZARXAFZARXAF34.307976 Rand to Central African CFA franc
ZARXPFZARXPF6.237587 Rand to Franco CFP
ZARCOPZARCOP233.371155 Rand to Peso colombiano
ZARKMFZARKMF25.864164 Rand to Franco comoriano
ZARCDFZARCDF153.031133 Rand to Franco congolês
ZARCKDZARCKD0Rand to Cook Islands dollar
ZARCRCZARCRC27.098281 Rand to Colón costa-riquenho
ZARHRKZARHRK0.398342 Rand to Kuna croata
ZARCUCZARCUC0.053979 Rand to Peso convertível
ZARCUPZARCUP1.43045 Rand to Peso cubano
ZARCZKZARCZK1.305972 Rand to Coroa checa
ZARDKKZARDKK0.386502 Rand to Coroa dinamarquesa
ZARDJFZARDJF9.593188 Rand to Franco do Jibuti
ZARAUDZARAUD0.085943 Rand to Dólar australiano
ZARDOPZARDOP3.316545 Rand to Peso dominicano
ZARXCDZARXCD0.145882 Rand to Dólar do Caribe Oriental
ZAREGPZAREGP2.716262 Rand to Libra egípcia
ZARERNZARERN0.809689 Rand to Nakfa
ZARETBZARETB6.898725 Rand to Birr etíope
ZAREURZAREUR0.051802 Rand to Euro
ZARFKPZARFKP0.044457 Rand to Libra das Ilhas Malvinas
ZARFOKZARFOK0Rand to Coroa feroesa
ZARFJDZARFJD0.124727 Rand to Dólar de Fiji
ZARGMDZARGMD3.913658 Rand to Dalasi
ZARGELZARGEL0.153288 Rand to Lari (moeda)
ZARGHSZARGHS0.811468 Rand to Cedi
ZARGIPZARGIP0.044457 Rand to Libra de Gibraltar
ZARGTQZARGTQ0.416961 Rand to Quetzal (moeda)
ZARGGPZARGGP0.044457 Rand to Guernsey pound
ZARGNFZARGNF466.855978 Rand to Franco da Guiné
ZARGYDZARGYD11.294131 Rand to Dólar da Guiana
ZARHTGZARHTG7.054131 Rand to Gourde
ZARHNLZARHNL1.373848 Rand to Lempira
ZARHKDZARHKD0.419988 Rand to Dólar de Hong Kong
ZARHUFZARHUF21.301296 Rand to Florim húngaro
ZARISKZARISK7.558173 Rand to Coroa islandesa
ZARINRZARINR4.653623 Rand to Rupia indiana
ZARIDRZARIDR879.564755 Rand to Rupia indonésia
ZARIRRZARIRR2272.526095 Rand to Rial iraniano
ZARIQDZARIQD70.75052 Rand to Dinar iraquiano
ZARILSZARILS0.192648 Rand to Novo shekel israelense
ZARJMDZARJMD8.496088 Rand to Dólar jamaicano
ZARJPYZARJPY8.380331 Rand to Iene
ZARJEPZARJEP0.044457 Rand to Jersey pound
ZARJODZARJOD0.038293 Rand to Dinar jordano
ZARKZTZARKZT28.631287 Rand to Tenge
ZARKESZARKES6.982201 Rand to Xelim queniano
ZARKIDZARKID0Rand to Dólar de Kiribati
ZARKWDZARKWD0.016637 Rand to Dinar kuwaitiano
ZARKGSZARKGS4.720375 Rand to Som (moeda quirguiz)
ZARLAKZARLAK1178.42025 Rand to Kip
ZARLBPZARLBP4836.345287 Rand to Libra libanesa
ZARLSLZARLSL1.013353 Rand to Loti
ZARLRDZARLRD10.261163 Rand to Dólar liberiano
ZARLYDZARLYD0.267686 Rand to Dinar líbio
ZARMOPZARMOP0.433025 Rand to Pataca de Macau
ZARMKDZARMKD3.18972 Rand to Dinar macedónio
ZARMGAZARMGA253.142515 Rand to Ariary malgaxe
ZARMWKZARMWK93.64181 Rand to Kwacha do Maláui
ZARMYRZARMYR0.242531 Rand to Ringgit malaio
ZARMVRZARMVR0.831552 Rand to Maldivian rufiyaa
ZARIMPZARIMP0.044457 Rand to Manx pound
ZARMRUZARMRU2.143929 Rand to Uguia
ZARMURZARMUR2.527864 Rand to Rupia mauriciana
ZARMXNZARMXN1.106801 Rand to Peso mexicano
ZARMDLZARMDL1.013459 Rand to Leu moldávio
ZARMNTZARMNT183.421469 Rand to Mongolian tögrög
ZARMADZARMAD0.541011 Rand to Dirrã marroquino
ZARMZNZARMZN3.449814 Rand to Metical
ZARNADZARNAD1.013353 Rand to Dólar da Namíbia
ZARNPRZARNPR7.475027 Rand to Rupia nepalesa
ZARANGZARANG0.097336 Rand to Florim das Antilhas Neerlandesas
ZARTWDZARTWD1.757671 Rand to Novo dólar taiwanês
ZARNZDZARNZD0.095015 Rand to Dólar neozelandês
ZARNIOZARNIO1.987521 Rand to Córdoba (moeda)
ZARNGNZARNGN83.983609 Rand to Naira
ZARnoneZARnone0Rand to Niue dollar
ZARKPWZARKPW48.581324 Rand to Won norte-coreano
ZARNOKZARNOK0.609772 Rand to Coroa norueguesa
ZAROMRZAROMR0.02078 Rand to Rial omanense
ZARPKRZARPKR15.050754 Rand to Pakistani rupee
ZARPABZARPAB0.054007 Rand to Balboa (moeda)
ZARPGKZARPGK0.219934 Rand to Kina
ZARPYGZARPYG425.800238 Rand to Guarani (moeda)
ZARPENZARPEN0.2021 Rand to Novo sol
ZARPHPZARPHP3.148366 Rand to Peso filipino
ZARPNDZARPND0Rand to Pitcairn Islands dollar
ZARPLNZARPLN0.220273 Rand to Złoty
ZARGBPZARGBP0.043778 Rand to Libra esterlina
ZARQARZARQAR0.197088 Rand to Rial catarense
ZARCNYZARCNY0.39482 Rand to Renminbi
ZARRONZARRON0.257811 Rand to Leu romeno
ZARRUBZARRUB5.451984 Rand to Russian ruble
ZARRWFZARRWF75.906143 Rand to Franco ruandês
ZARSHPZARSHP0.044457 Rand to Libra de Santa Helena
ZARWSTZARWST0.151187 Rand to Tala (moeda)
ZARSARZARSAR0.20254 Rand to Riyal
ZARRSDZARRSD6.067646 Rand to Dinar sérvio
ZARSCRZARSCR0.770147 Rand to Rupia das Seicheles
ZARSLLZARSLL1131.917705 Rand to Leone (moeda)
ZARSGDZARSGD0.073141 Rand to Dólar de Singapura
ZARSBDZARSBD0.457097 Rand to Solomon Islands dollar
ZARSOSZARSOS30.863512 Rand to Xelim somaliano
ZARKRWZARKRW77.869933 Rand to Won sul-coreano
ZARSSPZARSSP0Rand to Libra sul-sudanesa
ZARLKRZARLKR16.032496 Rand to Rupia do Sri Lanka
ZARSDGZARSDG32.441513 Rand to Sudanese pound
ZARSRDZARSRD1.89227 Rand to Dólar do Suriname
ZARSZLZARSZL1.012433 Rand to Lilangeni suazi
ZARSEKZARSEK0.594198 Rand to Coroa sueca
ZARCHFZARCHF0.048912 Rand to Franco suíço
ZARSYPZARSYP701.8381 Rand to Libra síria
ZARTJSZARTJS0.589487 Rand to Tajikistani somoni
ZARTZSZARTZS135.793258 Rand to Xelim tanzaniano
ZARTHBZARTHB1.840935 Rand to Baht
ZARTOPZARTOP0.126425 Rand to Pa'anga
ZARTTDZARTTD0.366847 Rand to Dólar de Trinidad e Tobago
ZARTNDZARTND0.173362 Rand to Dinar tunisiano
ZARTRYZARTRY1.920857 Rand to Lira turca
ZARTMTZARTMT0.189467 Rand to Manate do Turcomenistão
ZARTVDZARTVD0Rand to Tuvaluan dollar
ZARUGXZARUGX198.385985 Rand to Xelim ugandês
ZARUAHZARUAH2.279697 Rand to Grívnia
ZARAEDZARAED0.198267 Rand to Dirrã dos Emirados Árabes Unidos
ZARUSDZARUSD0 Rand to Dólar dos Estados Unidos
ZARUYUZARUYU2.376122 Rand to Peso uruguaio
ZARUZSZARUZS700.747903 Rand to Som (moeda usbeque)
ZARVUVZARVUV6.408524 Rand to Vatu
ZARVEFZARVEF0Rand to Bolívar venezuelano
ZARVNDZARVND1366.889349 Rand to Dong (moeda)
ZARXOFZARXOF34.308475 Rand to Franco CFA da África Ocidental
ZARYERZARYER13.454331 Rand to Rial iemenita
ZARZMWZARZMW1.502746 Rand to Kwacha zambiano
ZARZMKZARZMK485.878123 Rand to Kwacha zambiano
USD - Dólar dos Estados Unidos
GBP - Libra esterlina
EUR - Euro
JPY - Iene
CHF - Franco suíço
CAD - Dólar canadense
HKD - Dólar de Hong Kong
AUD - Dólar australiano